
MBS International, President's office.

Ye Chen had just stepped into the office when Liu Xiaotian came in to report. "President Ye, Mister Louis is on the line. He wants to have a video conference with you."

Third Young Master Ye nodded.

"A cup of coffee!"

"Okay!" Liu Xiaotian went out to prepare his coffee and came in with it a while later.

He loosened his tie and took a sip of the coffee. He then frowned slightly, looking unhappy, and put the cup of coffee aside. The coffee Cheng Anya brewed was more fragrant than the coffee Liu Xiaotian brewed. The third young master had become picky because of Cheng Anya and he was obsessed with the taste of coffee lately.

After leaving Louis on hold for a few minutes, Ye Chen switched on the office's screen and Louis' face appeared.