
That afternoon, Cheng Anya was heating up the soup Ning Ning had brewed for her in the morning. She had just placed the pot on the stove when Yang Zekun called.

"Old Master Yang wants to meet me?" Cheng Anya turned off the stove and went out of the kitchen with the help of a crutch. She pursed her lips. Yang Zekun had already mentioned it when she was in the hospital and he took a long time before he contacted her again. She was puzzled about why Old Master Yang was so persistent in wanting to see her.

He seemed devastated that day after he had met her at the banquet.

Let's meet!

For the sake of senior, she agreed. "Okay, I am free this afternoon!"

"Where are you? I'll go and fetch you!" Yang Zekun sounded disappointed and lonely. His men had told him that Cheng Anya and Ning Ning were living at Ye Chen's place. She had almost forgotten that they were still at the stage of pretending to be lovers.