
"Is your master still okay?"

"Shut up. You are not worthy to mention my master!" Ye Wei coldly barked as she shot a cold gaze. Her wrist slightly moved. An alluring yet cold smile crept up the corners of her lips and she said, "Blue Wolf, I am giving you a chance to prepare on account of your age. Just don't die too terrible a death later."

There was viciousness on Blue Wolf's face and dominance finally appeared in his gaze after those years of dormancy. Since Eleven was like him, she could clearly feel the murderous intent emanating from him.

Blue Wolf broke into laughter as his white hair fluttered in the night sky without any help from the wind. The birds were jolted and quickly flew away. There was an oppressing presence under the creepy night sky.

"You are undoubtedly the disciple she is most pleased with. I will waste you all today," Blue Wolf said extremely coldly.

Eleven coldly smiled. "Why don't you try?"