
As Ye Wei and Eleven tugged on the threads that trapped Blue Wolf, they heard the sound of fighter jets and yachts approaching. They paused and inevitably loosened their grip. Blue Wolf, leveraging on this very moment, broke free from Ye Wei and Eleven's threads.

When the two of them regained their senses, Blue Wolf greeted them with a double-palm attack with Ye Wei and Eleven intercepting his attack. Little did they expect Blue Wolf to pull off a ruse and release a smoke grenade in front of them. As Blue Wolf was a master of poisons, Ye Wei and Eleven were afraid he had released poisonous gas and immediately scattered.

Ye Wei's first reaction was to pinch Mo Jue's nose, and only let go when Eleven said that the smoke was not poisonous. Once the smoke cleared, Blue Wolf was nowhere to be seen.

Eleven was fuming.

Ye Wei landed a punch on the tree trunk. "F*** this damn shit. That wastrel escaped!"