A Beauty’s Smile Sways Everyone (Part One)

Men would compare themselves against other men in terms of their caliber, and while Bai Ye was a genius doctor, he still dabbled in viral research, although it was not the deepest. Whatever confounded him would confound many other virologists.

When he claimed 70% confidence, especially when men of their caliber said it, it meant in other words that the situation could be salvaged.

Bai Ye was extremely curious about this person's actual caliber.

Let alone how the high-velocity magnetic wave gun was an eye-opener.

Su Man was resoundingly famous.

Third Young Master Ye and Cheng Anya had no opinion on that. Since a trip there did not take much time, not to mention there was a hope of a cure, they could not be even happier. With Ning Ning and Bai Ye's arrangement, a plane was quickly prepared.