A Beauty’s Smile Sways Everyone (Part Two)

Su Man, who was about twenty-six to twenty-seven, had a tall figure. He did not dress like the typical Arabian—white cloak, black headband, white headwear. He merely wore a white robe and his long hair was tied to his back with a silver cord. His slender eyebrows were long and beautiful. His pitch-dark eyes were filled with life like water flowing from the springs and cleanliness amidst the coldness. Upon closer look, it seemed like the winds that graced the tundras, cold and imposing. He had a tall nose and his beautiful lips were lustrous. Even his chin was so intricate to the point it caught attention. All of his facial features were clearly God's masterpiece.

He gave people the impression that he was arrogant, cold, and unapproachable, and not one who could be desecrated.