
Ye Wei couldn't help but stay close to Mo Jue. Her hands were held tightly in his pockets and she didn't let go. She could feel the warmth of his body. When Mo Jue asked her what she was thinking of, she laughed and said, "Your hands are huge."

He didn't ask further.

She didn't know what was going on, or why her mouth was sealed. She wanted to confess her feelings and ask if he had really liked her so much, but she couldn't.

It was as if she was testing him like how other women would test their men. She just couldn't do it.

In fact, some emotions were the most lovely when they remained unclear, innocent, and ambiguous, like the feeling of falling in love. Every woman enjoyed this feeling very much, the feeling of being pursued and liked by others. But, if all of these feelings were confessed to her, the beauty of ambiguity would be lost.