
In the monitoring room, Third Young Master Ye and Jason stared at the two figures—Ye Wei and Mo Jue. Mo Jue changed money for chips, both of which were in Ye Wei's hands. They were recognized by Ye Chen's men right from when they stepped into the casino.

Jason and Third Young Master Ye looked at each other with a serious look. Third Young Master Ye asked Arthur to let his men point all the cameras on Mo Jue and Ye Wei and ignore the others temporarily.

Arthur didn't dare to disobey. Only in a few moments, the screen was filled with Mo Jue and Ye Wei.

She was laughing happily and pulling Mo Jue around the casino at will. When they reached the roulette, Ye Wei told Mo Jue to make a bet. Mo Jue shook his head and said, "Why don't you play!"

"You're at the table, not me." Ye Wei pouted her mouth, gave him the two chips in her hand, and urged him to bet. Mo Jue still refused.

"Didn't you say that you would show me your true capabilities?"