
As Wolf had not seen Su Ruyu for over twenty years, he was a little lost when he saw Su Ruyu's actual looks. When he saw Su Ruyu on the island during those years, she was wearing an extremely ugly mask throughout. He did not expect her to still remain this youthful. Time did not leave its mark on her face.

In contrast, he looked much older…

Wolf suddenly recalled the years they adventured together. Back then, they were young, passionate, on very good terms with each other, and under the same master. While their master had hoped they would become an item, they ended up going separate ways.

Su Ruyu looked at him with a glance that was no longer warm and trusting, but one that was distant, cold, and full of hatred.

The pain from being separated from her children for over twenty years, her estrangement toward her family, her hatred toward Mo Shitian, along with how he harmed all her beloved ones—he could not repay her even if he died a hundred times over.