
Su Ruyu and Mo Shitian were clearly disadvantaged in the fight. Kahn was not weak. He was even slightly above Mo Shitian in terms of skills. While Mo Shitian could rely on his years of experience and bag of techniques to win against Kahn, his flaws showed with time.

Kahn's claws struck out at Mo Shitian again, and Mo Shitian avoided them. Kahn, who was attacking Mo Shitian, suddenly went for Su Ruyu and sent Su Ruyu's needles toward her.

Just as Su Ruyu was about to attack him, the silver needles came flying toward her extremely quickly. Unable to slow down, Su Ruyu could not avoid them.

The silver needles lodged in her arm, inducing a sharp pain. She pulled the needles out with a magnet. However, Kahn reacted extremely quickly and rained his steel claws down on Su Ruyu as though he wanted her dead.