
Xu Xing did not expect to bump into the children's mom. She was carrying a basket of food and humming a Swiss song. She seemed happy from her expression.

She bumped into Xu Xing and smiled. She gave Xu Xing a small portion of the dishes in the basket.

Silver Cloud seemed too cold and she did not dare to get close to him. She only dared to talk to Xu Xing and Xu Xing could not help but tell her. "Sister Phoebe, Silver Cloud is very nice. Don't be afraid of him."

Phoebe smiled and said in a soft voice, "The two of you are compatible."

Xu Xing was startled and then blushed. She just told her that she had misunderstood, but then she did not know how to explain. Phoebe had already left with the basket. She was over thirty years old but had a good figure and skin. She did not wear any makeup and looked like she was in her twenties. She made people feel comfortable and this happy and carefree life made people become younger.