
Silver Cloud cleaned the mansion. She slept in her room at night while he slept on the reclining chair outside.

Paradise Island was spring all year round and the difference in temperature between the day and night was not big. It was slightly chilly at night, but not cold. Xu Xing slept but woke up in the middle of the night and could no longer fall asleep. Maybe it was because it was a new place and bed that she did not sleep comfortably.

This bed was not soft and comfortable like the bed at home. It was just a simple wooden bed. Silver Cloud put a thick blanket on it as he was afraid that she would feel uncomfortable. The weather was hot and there was no air conditioner. It was chilly to sleep on the wooden bed, but she felt hot sleeping on the blanket.

She kept tossing and turning but could not fall asleep. Therefore, she decided to get up.