
The entertainment city, rocked by music and dance, was nothing short of debauched.

Ye Ningyuan never liked such places and rarely patronized them. Following Morales here this time was a complete coincidence. Morales had a few teenage girls, strictly speaking, girls that were thirteen or fourteen. They were very good-looking, demure, and had yet to see the world. These teenage girls only had a black tippet on them.

Morales smiled and had two of the girls sit next to Ye Ningyuan and serve him.

Any man who had seen even the slightest of the world, Ye Ningyuan included, would have encountered it. Ye Ningyuan reciprocated impolitely, drinking the red wine the girls offered him and allowing their hands to roam on his body. The two girls with Morales were open enough to sit on him.

Emotionless, An Xunuo stood aside and looked down. It was as though it was none of her concern.