
"Is it your business?" she coldly replied. "Let me go!"

Using some force, Ye Ningyuan flung An Xunuo's body onto him and his warmth lingered around her. An Xunuo's face turned red and she struggled for a moment but was unable to break free. In her exasperation, she was about to raise her hands when she looked up to see Ye Ningyuan's deep gaze. The burning passion in his eyes sent her speechless. She looked down in a panic, her heart thumping even faster.

"I'm on a mission," An Xunuo looked down and softly said. "Let go of me first."

His scent left her extremely uncomfortable. It was as though being trapped in his embrace made her utterly powerless. While the feeling left her disgusted, she could not really hit him.

"What mission?" Ye Ningyuan wanted an answer from her. "Since Silver Cloud and you have left the organization, what other mission can you have?"