Inherited Will (Part 1)

Unlike the Golden Griffon who was always active and needed a steady flow of energy to survive, the White Griffon had enjoyed a long peace.

During that time, it had nurtured countless geniuses, taking in their mana as students first and as Professors later. They had become a part of the academy which could use their skills to fight just like they would.

While the Golden Griffon conquered and enslaved the other Griffons nurtured and protected. Like every teacher, they learned from their own students and became better for it.

Valeron knew that there might have never been an Awakened Headmaster, but he had made sure that whoever was in charge, would be like a King. The people behind the Headmaster would be the source of their strength and they all would fight as one.

"This is great news, but we are still deep in the mud!" Lith had trouble dealing with a single seven-man unit of Forgotten by himself and Vastor's strategy had barely lessened the pressure.