Inherited Will (Part 2)

'This time, instead, I'm here by my own will. I came back to the Kingdom because I want to make up for failing to defeat Thrud instead of whining and letting others fix my mistakes.

'I had my sword and armor shapeshift into a generic form because I don't want to be recognized. I ruined my entire life chasing after power and honors. It's worth trying to fight just for myself for once.' Acala thought.

"By the way, thank you, Whiny." Tista said while they flew toward Lith.

"Don't mention it." Acala nodded in reply and then steered away before entering Life Vision's area of effect.

'Verhen is bound to recognize me and I don't want that.' He thought, staring at Dawn for an instant before going to help others in need. 'I wonder if that's her new host or just a flesh suit to help the Firstborns.