Finding Yggdrasill (Part 1)

"It was the Organization that located and acquired the Mouth of Menadion but it's only thanks to Bytra if they gifted it back to me once they were done studying the Mouth." Lith said.

"Bytra has risked her life to save Solus' several times already and she has proven herself once more today by revealing that she knew about the tower all along yet feigned ignorance to cover for us.

"When Solus and I first met you, Silverwing, you tried to kill me. When we first met Bytra, she offered her life as an apology for crimes she only remembers. She helped us whenever we needed her and found the Mouth and Ears for us.

"The best you could do, instead, was stay out of our way." Lith's words stabbed at the First Magus' pride but even with the dislike she harbored for him and the Fourth Ruler of the Flames, there was no denying the truth.