Finding Yggdrasill (Part 2)

"Now, however, the Yggdrasill knows you've become a hybrid, that you are part of the Organization, and the outcome of your last sparring with Grandma. I know because the Chroniclers used a spell capable of preventing even a dimensional mage from following them.

"After the Chroniclers ambushed us in the Garden, they altered the space to keep the Warp Steps they used to escape from being opened again."

"I can vouch for that." Friya said. "I tried everything I could on the site where Lith was ambushed but to no avail. The dimensional space surrounding the Warp Gate had been collapsed first and then relaxed, deleting every trace of the original dimensional coordinates."

"Who's talking?" Tezka asked.

"Friya Ernas, sir." She cleared her throat. "The woman who reached enlightenment by watching your fight with Overlord Salaark."