"What did you expect?" Erzi snorted. "They never belonged to our region. Of course they jumped ship at the first opportunity they got."
'Damned if you do, damned if you don't.' Lith inwardly shook his head. 'No matter if the refugees stayed or left, the people of Kophar would have resented them either way.'
"On the bright side, this is the perfect place for you two to move." Ylka said.
"What do you mean?" Solus asked.
"It took those traitors a while, but most of them are gone now. Which means in our district there are a lot of empty houses already furnished on sale for a reasonable price." The midwife said.
"The refugees didn't bring the things they had bought with them?" Lith found that hard to believe. He knew how expensive even a bedstand was when you owned little.