Surprise Party (Part 1)

"By the way, thank you for the dinner. This is the best food I had in weeks." Yerna said.

Lith had picked the most expensive restaurant among those recommended by the neighbors.

"Thanks, miss Yerna. We also host parties." The waiter said, falling for the code the group used to discuss the raid in public. "And this is for the young lady, with the compliments of the house. May the gods bless you with healthy babies."

He left a huge plate filled with assorted varieties of grilled cuts of meat and vegetables

"Thank you. I'll add your restaurant to the list." Yerna needed sheer willpower not to burst into a laughter.

"Why do people gossip so much?" Solus whined as she ate to keep her cover intact. "Is this your doing?" She glared at Lith.

"Nope." He shook his head. "Word just goes around that fast. We need to be careful."

"Why?" Yerna helped Solus finish her plate.