The reason

Dinner was early. Quiet. And short.

Catarina couldn't be bothered to clean up before leaving. Nisha was blind to even the bowl her ramen was in. I felt bad, but followed. And so, the empty bowls licked clean began on the long night of solitude on the kitchen counter.

And we were off to the large living room which also served as the study.

"Nisha's expertise is in elementals, specifically Trunish. She comes from a long line of academicians of high repute in the Northern provinces. Her mother, prof Russeau, is the foremost expert in Trunish. Nisha grew up learning the runes. I think she's overtaken her mother now. She's studying Faery from the angle of elementals."

Catarina introduced Nisha before turning to me.

"Vishi here is rather special," she said, smiling at me while looking at Nisha. "We can safely call him an expert, even though he isn't yet registered, in Vikari."

Nisha's surprise showed in her face, with her jaw dropped and eyes open wide. Pleased, Catarina continued.

"He'll be helping us from the angle of the descriptives."

Giving a pause for the words to sink in, she looked back at me as she began to introduce herself.

"I'm a registered expert in Vikari and Muauri, which makes me an expert purely in descriptive runes. Jerry and I were old friends slash rivals. He invited me to join the study of Faery owing to my expertise with descriptives while he studies from the angle of elementals. As for the reason you're here, you've opened up an entirely new path to traverse. Jerry sent me a copy of your work. I wanted to open it with Nisha present, which is why the wait."

Nisha's surprise grew without peaking. A strange light glowed in her eyes. I saw it. Catarina saw it. But Catarina seemed to understand it better than me.

Whatever, I told myself.

Catarina pulled up the pictures of my notebook on the table top, which was actually an electronic display. The pages were zoomed to fill the table, the characters many times bigger than my writing. A moment later, the pages were all there was in the three pairs of eyes.

Catarina was reading out the Vikari runes in common tongue for Nisha, and I realised how better than me she was. I couldn't read in different tongues as smoothly. Her accuracy was much better too, in common tongue.

After the first page, Catarina looked at me with the same appreciation.

"I couldn't write so good in Vikari. You're very good Dean. And that makes our job so much easier."

"What is our job?"

Catarina and Nisha seemed to know what I didn't.

"Simple," Catarina said with a smile. "We'll be translating all of the long arc. You into Vikari. And I into common tongue."

"I don't understand," I said, in complete honesty.

"What don't you understand," Catarina asked, her confusion just as honest.

"It's a simple thing really. And you're just as good. Why am I here?"

"I don't understand," Catarina repeated.

"Why should I translate into Vikari? Why can't you do it?"

"At times, you're not very bright. I am just as comfortable with Vikari. And after the fact, I can read the long arc too, with a lot of effort. But I am not able to write the long arc in Vikari as well as you. That's why we're dividing it into two legs. The first is you translating long arc to Vikari. The second is me translating long arc to common tongue."

"You're going to register this, aren't you?"

"Of course."

"Um, can you leave my name out? Register it like it's all you?"

Catarina needed a moment to understand, after which she nodded while wearing a thinking expression.

Nisha didn't understand.

"I just want to be average," I explained.

Nisha still didn't understand. Catarina sighed, and explained.

"He means that he wants to be invisible."

"Oh," Nisha exclaimed in shock.

"How did that make more sense than what I said," I asked in disbelief.

Catarina laughed, but didn't explain.

"I've got an idea," she said to me. "We'll give you another name. A professional name to go by. We all get what we want. We get you to register your effort. And you'll be average. How about Vhinn?"

I liked the name. And the story. Vhinn, the great seer.

I nodded.

"Good. That's the plan then," Catarina said.

And we got started.

Catarina started with my notebook. The several pages of Vikari translated to a page and a half in common tongue.

Just as she finished, Nisha brought over the filled form of registration with the CUSARR.

The Committee of United Societies of Archaeological Research in Runes, CUSARR for short, was formed over fifty years ago. The goal was to create a platform where all the discoveries and research could be integrated. As of last year, there were three hundred and thirty seven major and minor societies from around the world registered with CUSARR. And every runic archaeologist with even the smallest achievement was registered with CUSARR along with the achievement.

I had never wanted it, but here I was. Registering with CUSARR. Thankfully, it wasn't under my name.

The form stated professor Catarina Crunch and Vhinn had successfully deciphered and translated the long arc in its entirety.

We were going to make a big splash.


I made no effort at holding in the laughs.

"I know," Catarina sighed ruefully. "Why do you think I insist on Catarina. And don't laugh too hard. Just think of the laughs that'll come your way when they read your name. Vhinn. You'll be a riot."

"How will I be a riot? I will cause a riot, makes sense."

"Just like you to miss the point completely. You deserve to be Vhinn."

I was truly confused. What did I miss?