the heavenly war - 1

Legend had it that the prince born with the blessing of the blue star would ascend the throne without contest and would lead the heavens to the greatest glory. It was a prophecy older than Accolade, but after remaining unfulfilled for so long, the gods considered it an exaggerated tale. Until Cleius was born under the blue star. And then, the gods began to speak of the old legend as a long awaited prophecy.

Cleius was the only son of the god king Preuzys. He wore the blue star on his face. He had only just begun walking when all of the heavens could see the god king in the young face. The toddler grew into a young god, with eyes following him along every step. He was the handsomest in all of the heavens. The hearts of many young maidens beat for him.

When Cleius was thirteen, he saw Areeya. Areeya was the daughter of gypsy gods. She was born under the far grey star. To the gypsy gods, the far grey star was the guiding star. It lighted the endless path. Being born under the far grey star was the greatest blessing. And Areeya was the blessed child. Far grey star's present to the gypsy gods. She was destined to tread a bright path.

For the first time, Cleius was a maiden himself. His heart was set on Areeya. His father, the god king Preuzys, wouldn't accept Areeya. None from all of the court would either. Cleius didn't like being told no. For the first time, he brought out the prestige of the blue star. And everyone, god king Preuzys included, had to submit. Preuzys personally bespoke with Areeya's family and arranged the marriage.

Within a year of the marriage, Cleius ascended the throne. He became the god king. Areeya the queen of the heavens. A year later, Alambra was born. But Areeya set off on her destined journey, leaving behind the heavens and a broken hearted Cleius. The far grey star took away its child. Cleius shed tears for his departed wife. But smiled again as he held little Alambra. His daughter became his reason for existence.

Elsewhere, the sun and the cosmic darkness had been married several millennia and finally had a child. They named him Aparthyseion, which meant a part of all worlds. Neither could keep him with them, though. Not until Aparthyseion came of age and chose. He could either be the heir of light or the son of darkness. Until then, he would grow in the mortal world.

A celestial in the mortal world, even if he was only an unawakened child, was above everyone else. Even though he grew up like an orphan, Aparthyseion had everything. Without his knowing, the sun arranged everything. He was also extremely kind. And so, he willingly forsook the world to save others from the pain he brought them. In the deep of the forest of Khybayer, he found home. The pure animals of the wild accepted him as one of their own. Their honesty toward their instincts protected them from Aparthyseion's eyes. He made friends. He found peace.

Back in the heavens, the gypsy gods embraced Alambra as one of them. She was the daughter of their beloved Areeya. They brought her stories from the many worlds, feeling blessed under the warm gaze of the delighted Alambra. Alambra could never visit the many worlds herself, so she saw them in the stories. But the story of Rhymedius was different.

Rhymedius was an elfling in the forest of Khybayer. Abandoned by its parents. Alone in the forest. Hated by the creatures of the forest. Treated with indifference by the trees. But to Rhymedius, the indifference was the greatest kindness. It grew embracing the joy that kindness brought. It took the shape of a tiny tree, to express its love. The roots were its feet, that didn't need to burrow into the soil. The branches were its hands, that didn't need the wind to sway. The hollow in the trunk was its mouth, that was always curved upward. And the leaves were its eyes, that were always open and seeing everything. The trees unknowingly were swayed by the endless optimism of Rhymedius, and had long since accepted it, without even realising. And so, all the leaves of all the trees in the wide forest became the eyes of Rhymedius. Rhymedius had no desires. It knew nothing beyond the forest. Wherever it saw anyone hurt or in need of help, it would rush over. Heal their pain. Save them from trouble. It would leave them with a smile, without a word said. And that was how it kept itself occupied. For many hundred years, it was the same. Always smiling. Always helping. Never speaking a word. Until it reached its end and disappeared. The first to notice were the trees. And they shed their leaves as tears that they didn't have. It was a sight that astonished everyone everywhere. The entire forest was bare, there wasn't a single leaf on a single tree. It was much later that the rest noticed. The strange fairy that was always smiling and helping, was gone. And they shed many tears too. They were in grief for a long time, before moving on. Leaves covered the branches of the trees again, but the trees never forgot. Rhymedius returned indifference with undying love. And so, Rhymedius was one of their own. For as long as the forest stood, that wouldn't change.

Alambra was moved by the story of Rhymedius. She had to see the forest of Khybayer for herself. Cleius had never said no to her. He let her go. Under the supervision of the gypsy gods, she would come under no danger. That much he was certain of. He couldn't have known, however, that she would fall under the spell of Aparthyseion. He was furious. Went to the forest of Khybayer. Found Aparthyseion. Dug out the cursed eyes and crushed them under his feet, freeing all from the curse.

Alambra had no memory of being charmed. She was back home with her father, in love with Iyjuis. Within a year, she was married. It was a grand ceremony that all of the heavens attended. The gods that bowed to Cleius as well as the gypsy gods from afar, everyone was present to bless the young couple. Cleius had a palace built for them. A palace grander than the god king's palace. It was named the Areehyagya palace.

In the Khybayer forest, Aparthyseion lay collapsed for a long time. He was numbed to the pain. He had lost his feet too, with his eyes. His friends cried with him. All of the forest grieved. Months passed, when he finally got up onto his feet. Then, as if she was waiting for just that, his mother showed herself.