classes - 4

In the morning, an hour before ten, an hour before we were starting, the four us stood in the living room. Ready. With our luggage. And it was quite the sight.

Jerry had a thin sling bag the size of a briefcase across his shoulder.

"That's it," he addressed our stares.

Mine was a tall rucksack that stood to two thirds of my height.

I shrugged at the questioning looks. It was the best I could do in terms of an answer.

Dia packed a large suitcase with wheels.

"This, is proper luggage," she said, delighting in praising herself.

Pratt had three large suitcases, the smallest of which was a size bigger than Dia's.

"What?" He asked, as the rest of us stared. "It's all necessary. Absolutely."

"If you say so," Jerry said, shaking his head in defeat.

I had no words.

Dia grinned at him, approvingly.

No one could understand the twins like each other.

The car was parked right outside the door. And it was fittingly large.

"I'm driving," Pratt announced before even setting foot outside.

"No arguing there," Jerry replied, clearly visibly pleased. "I'll take the second leg."

"I was thinking," Dia said.

Jerry and Pratt froze.

"No," they said together, in the exact same voice.

"Yes," Dia shot back.

She gave them a glare. Smiled. And continued.

"We're in no rush to the site. We can turn away from the direct route. We could go the longer route. Through the highlands. Visit Pharaohs'. It's been a while. I'm missing it."

And that was the clincher.

"Come on," Pratt groaned. "Not the puppy face."

"Can't say no now," Jerry said. "Not after she spoke with such longing."

"So, we're off to a really long drive."


"And so, we know where we're lunching."

"No," Jerry groaned weakly.

He looked at me crying invisible tears, and spoke in the quietest voice.

"You'll have such a treat."

"I'm sure there's something wrong with the sentence," Dia commented.

She loaded her suitcase into the car first, ceasing the discussion. I was surprised by her strength. Her suitcase wasn't all appearance. It was truly heavy. And she picked it off the ground so easily.

Pratt dragged the first of his suitcases to Dia's side, and stood smiling.

Dia sighed, shook her head. And loaded the suitcase into the back of the car. Pratt grinned, and ran back in to pull the other two on their wheels.

"He's weak," she told me.

"She's strong," Pratt refuted as he walked back out.

Dia loaded Pratt's three suitcases. Pratt sat behind the wheel. Jerry was by his right. Dia was behind Pratt. My seat was behind Jerry.

With classes begun, the academy grounds were quiet enough for us to drive out of without catching attention. I liked that. As we drove out the gates, Dia began the explanation.

"Pharaohs' is the holy ground for Nashi. It's not at the peak of the Hyngraves mountains, where stood the home of Nashi. Pharaohs' is halfway up peak number 6, that's half the peak below. But it is where Nashi lives today. It's the most amazing, the most dazzling, and the most breathtaking of all the runic heritage sites in all of the world. You've missed out on something truly spectacular, if you've not seen Pharaohs'."

Pratt couldn't take it any more. He cut in, with some viciousness.

"You're more than a mere fangirl. Don't forget your identity as a student of runic archaeology. So, speak of what truly pertains about Pharaohs'."

Jerry quickly nodded.

"Yes, Dia. You should stress more on what's important. The rest can take a backseat."

Dia shrugged.

"I'm in the backseat."

There was nothing they could say to that. I was laughing and Dia was pleased. She continued, but on a more pertinent route.

"Pharaohs' was actually the study of Dinah Pharaohs. One big room, where Dinah studied the Nashi runes and archaeology. She was a recluse. Worked alone. Except for her family servants, no one was allowed in. And she never went out. She left the wealth of her research in the study. She willed it to the Fuikasha society. When she died, the Fuikasha society turned the study into the Pharaohs' heritage site for Nashi runes. It stands among the most visited runic heritage sites and museums in all of the world. And because it has such high funding, there's no fee for visiting. Security, however, is tight. The rules of the institution are to be followed strictly."

"Yeah, that's true," Pratt agreed. "So, list them out. We'll see how obedient he is."

"Ignore him," Dia said to me. "Be respectful. Don't touch the displays. And you'll be fine."

Jerry snorted.

"Of course you'll be fine," he said, not nearly soft enough.

"What now?" Dia asked severely.

"What," Jerry asked, wearing an expression of surprise that fooled no one. "You're a senior patron. The rules don't apply to you the same. And since you'll obviously bring Dean along as your buddy, the rules would be the same to him as well. Of course you'll be fine."

Pratt burst out laughing. Jerry was holding in his laugh. Dia wasn't pleased. I was the only one in the dark.

"What?" I asked.

"You'll know when you get there," Pratt said, and laughed harder.

Jerry couldn't hold it in either.

Dia was scowling.

"You'll definitely see," Jerry agreed.

And then there was silence.

Gawkers Academy was in the Stryders' province. The Hyngraves mountains were to the east, in the Bresnian province. Two hours after starting, we entered the Bresnian province. And Pratt began speaking.