Pharaohs' - 2

"Welcome to Pharaohs'."

Pratt was the one who spoke. Jerry was fiddling with his bag. Dia was in a daze.

"Is it that amazing?"

Pratt looked at me with a grin.

"Put it this way. It is one of the finest institutions of its kind in all of the world. It's got this quality that cannot be mimicked. This air of refinement, that's primarily owing to Dinah Pharaohs. Don't you feel humbled and excited?"

I nodded quietly.

Dia stepped out first. I was beginning to follow, when Pratt held me back.

"Watch," he said, grinning wider.

Jerry was out of his bag too. His eyes were gleaming as he looked at Dia the same as Pratt.

My curiosity was ignited. I looked too, in the same way.

Dia's steps were slow but deliberate. Her eyes were blazing. Her grin almost fanatical. Halfway to the entrance, she stopped for the security that came running toward her.

"What?" I asked.

"Just watch," Jerry said before I could finish the question.

I fell silent.

Dia nodded at the pair of security guards, and stood still. Her gaze was still frozen on the building. Not a minute passed, when the doors opened and a man in a black suit rushed out. The security guards stiffened at the sight of the man. Clearly the man was the boss. What was surprising was the flash of recognition in the man's face as he saw Dia. His smile felt forced. His steps seemed hesitant. He stopped in front of Dia. Bowed down to his waist. And wore a flattering expression as he spoke with Dia.

"So, what do gather from that?"

Jerry and Pratt were looking at me with wide eyes. I took a minute before answering.

"They're frightened? Who's he?"

Jerry and Pratt burst out laughing, loud and for a while.

"That's Eowyn," Pratt answered. "He's the head of security. And the one tasked with Dia, whenever she comes."


"Why the special care?" Jerry asked.

I nodded.

"Because it's necessary," Jerry answered.

"Because this one time Dia terrified a little girl into tears for getting too close to the exhibit," Pratt added.

"Because they can't offend Dia," Jerry then added.

"Because she's an important patron," Pratt said.

"She enjoys the status of an elder, if this were an academic institution. She can make their life a nightmare if they pissed her off," Jerry said.

"Not as if they're any better now," Pratt said, looking at the bearing of the men toward Dia.

"She get's completely involved in there, and she hates the slightest disturbance. She'll bring the proverbial roof down upon any and all transgressors."

"She's quite terrifying when she's angered."

The pair were painting a demonic painting of Dia. But for some strange reason, I believed them. Dia could truly be frightening.

"Do you need a guide?" Pratt asked as we stepped out of the car.

"Do I?" I asked uncertainly.

"Umm, I don't think so?" Pratt answered just as uncertainly.

"You don't," Jerry answered with absolute certainty. "You'll be fine. I'll be at the office. You can ask for directions and come over, if you need me. Pratt will be in the kitchen. He likes the stove as much as the exhibits. And he needs to fill his stomach first. Dia will be around, somewhere. You can find her the easiest."

"You sure?" Pratt asked Jerry.

"You have no idea," Jerry answered.


"Let me put it this way. The three of us together wouldn't amount to equal him."

For a moment, I felt absent even though they were discussing me. And when they turned to look at me, Jerry with an almost blank look, Pratt with a look of disbelief, I felt returned.

"Shall we enter?"

They nodded together and led the way.

The welcome was considerably different for me. The security paid me no attention.

I was already liking Pharaohs'.

The inside was one large hall. A few tables standing haphazardly. Holographic displays standing against the walls like wallpaper. Even the tabletops were holographic displays that showed open notebooks and papers strewn about in careful randomness. There wasn't a single chair, overlooking which, Pharaohs' truly looked like a study.

I was extremely curious about Dinah. And I started at the table that was screaming at me to come over. The biggest table, filled only with notebooks. And I liked nothing better.

I looked around the study. Saw Dia sitting on the ground in front of a wall displaying a single rune. The security guards had one eye on her throughout. There were few others, spread about the study. Everyone held notebooks. Today seemed to be one of those special days. We were all students of runic archaeology.

I heard Jerry's voice in my head. This is class.

I smiled. Looked at the first notebook on the table. Pulled it open to the first page. And began.