The Son of Soul Gear Part 10

He left the bedroom that he and Clara shared. He walked, alone, down the hallway of the building and into the gardens of the school. He did that every night, following the same path. He didn't change it. It was a small walk through the beautiful, spring gardens of the school. The stars glimmered in the sky and the moon illuminated the night's darkness. The wind brushed softly over his face. He walked silently, with his arms in his pockets. He sighed and leaned on a railing and looked over the pond. The leaves bristled slightly and then the wind fell, there was no noise, only his breathing and his heartbeat broke the delicate silence. He heard someone walking. He turned, expecting Clara to be there. She wasn't, instead, a woman, taller than him, was standing a few meters away from him. He spotted something in her hand. A gun. He froze, he had been held at gunpoint before, with a gun that he thought was loaded, by Catherine Guntbert, he had been held at gunpoint in an SGT, but he didn't know her. She had sunglasses, hiding her eyes, she was in a full black, formal set of clothes. He held the gun up, it had a silencer. He had wide eyes. Thoughts flew through his mind, was he going to die? What was she going to do? What was he going to do?

"Hello, Victor, terrible way to meet you but, this is how we meet."

"W-Who are you? W-What do you want?" He said taking a step back. She shook her head.

"Stay there, don't move, I won't kill you," He put his hands up and stopped moving, "The DSG, sends you its regards," A flash emerged from the barrel, no noise. He felt something go through his arm. He didn't cry out or shout, he couldn't, he felt too much pain. His arm was numb, he felt something trickle down his arm. He looked down at it and saw small dots of red hit the floor. He looked up once more, she was gone. He looked around and saw no one, he looked back at his arm, the bullet had gone through his arm and blood was gushing out of his arm. He removed his school jacket and wrapped it around his arm. The blood showed through it quickly. He thought of a place to get it healed, he didn't want to go to the school's nurse, nor to Clara, nor to a public pharmacy, nor the hospital. He thought as he walked holding his arm.

"Come in, it's open!" He walked in, weakness showed on his face, "Victor, what's up?" He noticed the blood stained jacket, "Oh god, come here, what happened?"

"I'll explain later, do you have something to patch it up?"

"Yeah, yeah I do, I am one of the medics on the medic team, so yeah, tell me, what happened?"

"I got shot."

"Shot?! By who?"

"Just patch me up."

"You can't fight tomorrow."

"Can you just close this fucking wound?" He said as Mr. Desportes removed his jacket, "I need to fight, even if I can't, Clara won't make me suffer."

"You really shouldn't fight tomorrow, I am sure Clara will understand."

"You know why I am doing this fucking tournament?! Why I am putting my body on the line for this tournament?"

"I don't know, if you told me, I don't remember."

"I need to win to graduate, I will never get the grades to pass the finals, Ms. Sophia gave me this option, I will fight tomorrow, even like this, I need to fight."

"Well, this might hurt," He held a needle and thread in his hand, "The bullet went right through your arm, well, you won't be able to use it tomorrow."

"I assumed that."

"This should hold, since you won't be able to use it tomorrow, like at all, you should be fine, try to hide it, like a little, I'll keep your uniform jacket, I'll make sure to get you another one."

"Thanks," He got up from the chair and looked at his arm, "Fuck."

"Who shot you?"

"I don't know, I didn't recognize her voice, she had sunglasses at night, like, formal black clothes," He sighed, "And before she shot me, she said, 'The DSG send you its regards.'"

"Black, formal clothes, what color was her hair?"

"Black, yeah, I think."

"Did it have any add on colors?"

"Yeah, like, a little pink, I think."

"Fuck, I knew she was weird."


"That's Ms. Sasha, she was new in this school, I was talking with other teachers, they think she is a little weird, I didn't do anything, but go to your room, I'll go say something about it."

"Don't bring me up."

"I won't, just go to your room."