The Son of Soul Gear Part 11

"Welcome to the Finals of the Spring Festival Tournament!" The crowd cheer enthusiastically as Victor and Clara each other down. Victor was holding both controls of his SGT, but his right arm was sewed up and was wrapped, hiding his wound. Clara just noticed it, since he had hidden it before, "Our two fighter today are Clara Kaiser and Victor Angelic! Clara Kaiser, the second best rank-s in the world, but is well on her way to get that rank-1, she has decimated each of her opponents, with extreme precision and deadly power, but today her opponent has shown the same attributes," The crowd was still cheering, and the group of fans from the day before had piped up before the announcer presented Victor, "Victor Angelic, a rising star in SGT combat, rapidly getting rid of major deals, like Catherine Guntbert and Lilly Killian, despite the odd not being in his favor, but today, this might as well be, the ultimate test, the final test to see who the best of this tournament is, the fight that decides it all, Judges, to you."

"Reminder to the two fighters, this is a 3x5 minute bout, this will be for the Spring Festival Tournament Championship Title, no destruction or illegal attacks, no targeting the pilot, only the SGT, if you go down, you have 25 seconds to get up or else you will be declared unable to continue, get ready, GO!"


"Yes, Clara?"

"What happened to your arm?"

"It's nothing."

"Tell me."

"I'll tell you after, just focus on the fight," He placed his left arm down, with his right arm folded back, off the ground, "I need this win."

"I know," She said as her shield formed on her left arm and her sword formed in her right hand, "I'll make sure you do."

"Thank you," Electricity beamed from his left arm, more than usually, double the normal amount, jumping from his arm to the ground and back, "I am sorry if I hurt you," He fizzled from sight and disappeared in the arena. She looked around the arena with her weapons up.

"Amazing! Victor just disappeared from sight, could it be? Is he using Lilly's technique?"

"Lasgi, nice job on the copycat."

"Of course, you've been working on it forever."

"Once I reappear, I would like for you to make me a shield on my left arm and a sword in my left arm, copy her."

"Okay, I think I can do that," He walked around Clara, she had her shield lifted. He walked behind her and tapped her shoulder and rolled out of the way. She swung her shield above him. He rose and shoved her back with one arm. He arm was in pain. He moved around her, still invisible. She looked around and rose to her feet.

"I am right here," He returned to a visible state, holding an identical shield and sword to hers, but both in his left hand. She had wide eyes, "Surprise!" He spun swinging his blade full force. She rose her shield and the blade knocked it down and he rushed her with his shield, sending her crashing to the arena wall. She got to her feet as the count showed 24.

"How? How can you do this?" He leapt forwards, sweeping the sword and hitting her with the shield, causing her the get pushed to the ground. He withdrew his sword and grabbed one of her ankles and picked her up, holding her heels overhead. He flung her into the air and withdrew his shield. He stood, side towards her, but before she came down to his height, she activated her boosters and stayed in the air. She summoned her railgun. A round charged and fire quickly. He dodged it and became extremely fast. She couldn't keep up with her and leapt into the air, she didn't see it coming. He slammed his shoulder into her back and brought her to the ground. She dropped her railgun and slammed into the ground. He got up and caught the gun in his left arm. He aimed it towards her and let it charge and the count started, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20. She tapped the ground. He lowered the gun. The crowd roared into cheers.

He had won, he had graduated. He dismounted and walked towards her. He climbed onto her SGT and deactivated hers and caught her in his arms, he forgot about his right arm. He grimaced in pain as she leaned on his left side.

"Are you hurt?"

"Nien, but you are," She grabbed his arm. He had wide eyes as she grabbed his bicep, "What happened? You are in pain."

"Nothing, nothing," He moved his arm from her hands, "Later."

"Nien," She signaled for the medic team, "You need help."

"Yes, what is wrong?"

"He is hurt, even if he won," Clara explained, "He fought without his right arm, something is wrong."

"Okay, come with me, Victor, I'll get you checked up."

"Okay, so let's see this," The doctor said as he sat down on the bed, "What happened?"

"See for yourself," He said as he removed the pin that held his bandage, "What do you think?" He had two stitches, one on each side of his bicep, where the bullet entered and left.

"Okay, so, what I am thinking, is that you either got stabbed through your bicep, or, no, that is my guess."

"This is from getting shot."

"Oh, okay, so let me see, did you clean it?"

"Yeah, last night," He said as the doctor removed the stitches, "It hurts like hell."

"Of course it does, you got shot, who did you tell?"

"Mr. Desportes."

"And he didn't bring you to the hospital?"

"I needed to take this fight, I needed to win."

"I get you, I probably would do the same if I were in your position," A knock came on the door, "Come in, I'll be right there."

"Okay, is Victor okay?" It was Clara, "What happened?"

"He got shot, last night."

"WAS?! And you didn't tell me? Victor, I wouldn't have fought you, it is too dangerous," She had wide eyes and couldn't believe what he had done, "You are lucky."

"I am sorry, at least we are going back tomorrow," He said as the doctor stitched up his arm, "Do you have something for the pain?"

"Yes, I was going to give you something, it will take time to heal, don't push it."

"Will I still be able to go to the gym?"

"Nothing with your right arm."

"Okay, cool, thanks."