The Son of Soul Gear Part 12

They had returned to their school, leaving the day after the tournament. Victor proudly wore the medallion they gave him as a prize. He sat next to Clara, she kept checking his bandaged arm that was in a sling to stop it from moving.

He walked into Ms. Sophia's office.

"Sit down, Victor."

"Um, what is this for?"

"Good news first, or bad news?"

"Good news?"

"Yes, you graduated, that is the good news, since you won the tournament, even if I doubt that last fight with Clara, she seemed to help you."

"I don't know, but what is the bad news?"

"Mr. Desportes told me about the DSG event yesterday, this is a major problem, if the DSG want something to do with you, you are in danger, I don't know what else to do, and your arm will prevent you from defending yourself."

"I know this is off topic, but doesn't that package say Victor Angelic," He pointed a package on her cabinet, "That is mine?"

"Oh, yes, here, it's from your uncle, I don't know why."

"Okay," He said as she opened it for him, "What is that?"

"There is a note, it says, place LASGI in the center of the guard," She looked confused, "LASGI?"

"Yeah, one second," He placed his glove on the table, "Can you remove that hexagon in the middle there, and put it on the guard?"

"Okay, but what is LASGI?" She placed the hexagon in the guard and it locked around it, "I assume this is yours, I think it was an SG Activator," He put on the guard and a hologram of his uncle appeared.

"Victor, this is Holy Guard, your mother's SGT, the DSG found me, and were looking for you, I am recording this now, but I don't have much time left, if you ever need a place to stay, I gave you the keys of my home, in the small bag in the package, I don't think we will ever see each other again, I am sorry this is our last goodbye, I am sorry for all the times I ignored you and when I didn't help you with your SGT, I am sorry, I hope you can forgive me, goodbye now," A tear ran down his cheek, he grabbed the bag and found the keys. He said nothing, nor did Ms. Sophia. He got up and left the room.

Silence. It ruled the hallway he walked down, all the students were studying for their finals. He began crying a lot. He decided to go to his room, Clara was probably studying there, since she never like studying in the library. He opened the door. He smiled when he saw her sitting at the desk. He closed the door and locked it. He sneaked over to her and laid a kiss on her cheek.

"Ah! Victor!"

"I am sorry, I wanted to talk to you."

"Why? Wait, did, did Ms. Sophia-."

"Yes, yes she did, I just came back from her office, and well, I am sure to graduate now."

"Really?!" She got up and hugged him, pushing him onto his back, she was over him. She pressed her lips against his and closed her eyes. He hadn't expected her to do that, she had never kissed him like this, only on his cheek, and he had only kissed her cheeks, never on her lips. She moved her hands behind his head and continued kissing him. He didn't know what to do, her attitude towards him seemed to change suddenly ever since they got back from the tournament. Maybe her father had commented on him, maybe he had, maybe he was fine with him, but he didn't ask and just let her do what she wanted. She lifted her head and blushed brightly, she moved off of him and returned to her desk to study.

"Did your father comment on me?"

"Oh ja, I forgot to tell you that."

"I'm listening."

"He thought that you're fighting was insane, and that you were an amazing fighter, I asked him if he was fine with you, he asked me what I meant, I told him that I loved you, and guess what he told me."

"I don't know."

"He said that I could," She was shaking with happiness, "I can finally be with you officially, I am so happy."

"Yeah, that's great, so, about the rules, can we remove some?"

"Ja, all but the peeking one."

"Okay, sure thing, just for that, he allowed me to be with you?"

"Just from that, you outsmarted me, with your dumb cloak," She noticed the guard on his forearm, "Was ist das?"

"This?" He felt a thud in his heart, "It's, it's from my uncle, the DSG found him, and he said that it might be the last time we see each other, this was my mother's, I think it was called Holy Guard, and Lasgi is still in it."

"Of course I am, Victor, I am made for these type of SGTs, your uncle remodeled this one to make sure it would work with my program, I am sorry about your uncle."

"What do you mean?" Victor asked Lasgi.

"He sounds like a nice man."

"He wasn't like that when I was younger, but he did change and pay for this school, and apparently, he wrote his will earlier that he would have wanted, I am getting everything, money, home, research."

"Was he rich?" Clara asked.

"Yeah, he made a fortune creating generation 3 SGTs and then invested and got even more money," Victor said, "Do you want me to help you study?"

"Nien, Danke, it is very basic, I am just re-reading the basic things, maybe later, but, I have a question," She turned to face him, "What are you going to do for this time?"

"I don't know, maybe train my shooting, workout, and then help you, then made prepare something for you, and spend some time with you, and let this fucking wound heal," He pointed at his bicep, "I am lucky I am ambidextrous."

"You would?"

"I am going to rest a little," He yawned as he lied down on the bed, "I'll watch you study, if you need me, just tell me, I'll help you with what I can."

"Danke, I am so happy, do you want me to cook something tonight or do you want to go to the food court?"

"I think food court, you need to have time, and cooking always makes you nervous and stressed," He laughed, "Especially when you cook for me."

"I just want to make it good, I mean, perfect good."

"I realized, do you want me to help you study? Or is it fine if I rest a little?"

"Anything you want, sweetheart."

"Oh, um, well," He was blushing, "Why did, why did you call me that?"

"You don't like it?"

"That's not it, it, it is just weird for you to call me something else than my name."

"Do you like it?"

"Um, sure, yeah, yeah, I am fine with it," He stammered nervously, "Whatever you want, um, yeah, whatever you want."

"You don't look so sure about this."

"Um, well," He sat up and press down on his arm, his eyes went wide and he looked down at his arm and bit his lip, "Fuck, that hurts," He rolled on to his side and grabbed the small box of pills. He grabbed one and downed it, "Fuck, fuck, fuck."


"Yeah, what? I got shot and I just push down on my arm and forced on my bicep, sorry, but yeah, it hurt's like hell."

"But I still don't understand why you fought with that injury."

"I needed to, but at least, I can graduate with you," he stood up and kissed her cheek, "But I don't understand why you pushed me to the bed and kissed me like you did," She blushed, "You don't need to answer, I am going to go the gym."

"Be careful!"

"Of course, I'll be back in like a hour maybe."

"I think I am going to just study until then."

"Have fun."

"That's not cool."

"Sorry, love you," He closed the door and turned, falling face to face with Annabel. She had wide eyes, she had heard what they were saying, "Oh, hi Annabel."

"You, you two are together?" She said staring at him blankly, "Um, since, since when? I thought her father said she wasn't allowed to do that."

"Look, um, Annabel, can I ask you for a favor?"

"Yeah, I guess, I think I should respect you, you are the best in the school, what do you want me to do?"

"Don't tell anyone, it's a surprise, just be in the food court at like 8."

"Oh, I see, okay, no problem, I'll be there," She smiled at him and walked off, "See you later."

"Weird, she is suddenly nice to me," He said as she walked away, "Anyways, what was I doing? Ah, yes, gym."