The Son of Soul Gear Part 13

He walked with his left hand in his pocket and his right arm on a sling across his chest. He walked silently and someone called him out. He turned around and noticed Lilly walking towards him, "Hey Lilly, classes over?"

"Yeah, I wanted to ask you for something."

"Sure, what do you want?"

"Can you help me become a better SG pilot?"

"Wha? You're asking me? Um, sure, I am not in a perfect condition, but sure, sure maybe," Victor shrugged, "But I can't really fight you."

"No, but I want you to help me improve, since you saw right through my cloaking, and then you used it to beat Clara."

"Sure, if I can really do anything to help you improve, I am not a very good pilot, I don't aim well, I only won because of the power of my SGT, you know, I didn't deserve the win either, but apparently, I won, what do you want to train?"

"Um, well, I wanted to work on my cloaking and also on how to deliver the actual blow if I went for it, like, better than I normally do."

"Okay, well, for that you don't need to be in an SGT, let's go to the gym first, get some training done for your punching and then we can train your cloaking."

"Okay, if that doesn't bother you."

"Here, let's try something, let's put 6 marks on the floor," Victor explained, "You will use your cloak and move to one of the points, starting from the center, I will try to tell where you are, using the same thing that I did in the arena."

"Okay, do I just do it normally?"

"Yeah," He nodded as her SGT fizzled out of sight, "Ready?"


"Move to a spot," He closed his eyes and stopped talked as she moved to a spot. He pointed at one of the spots.

"How did you figure it out?" She returned to a visible state, "How did you see it?"

"I am listening for the movement in the sand, try again, let's try to make it so that you move nearly silently, like I did in the finals."

"But didn't your arm hurt?"

"Of course, now use your cloak and move to a spot," He closed his eyes again, "Go ahead," After a few seconds, he pointed at a spot, "Found you."

"How? I thought I was silent, could it be because of my SGT?"

"I don't know yet, try again, you can walk slowly if you want, but with the sand, the footsteps are audible," He stopped talking and thought for a second, "Maybe you are too slow, here, I have an idea, you won't use your cloak and you will attack me."

"Okay, I'll wait for you."

"Wait for what?"

"Your SGT?"

"No, just don't try to kill me," He said looking up at her, "I am cocky, don't get me wrong, but I did learn some things when I have an intensive training with Clara for a week before the tournament, just try not to full power hit me."

"Okay," He nodded and she put her arms up, staying in a visible form. She swung down towards him. He hopped to the side, turning to face the attack as it landed on the ground. She swung at him again with her left arm this time. He used her other fist to jump off of and dodge the swinging blow and landed behind her right arm. She turned to face him and rained down punches towards him. He dodged every single one of them by ducking, moving side to side and using her SGT to protect himself, blocking some of the blows by preventing her from even touching him.

After a few minutes of the training, he heard someone shout at Lilly. He turned as Clara slammed her shield into Lilly, who was unprepared for the attack. She was hurled across the training arena. Clara's eyes were red with rage, she was holding her sword and shield and she walked towards Lilly. Victor realized what she thought was going on. He lifted his left arm and called forth Holy Guard, Lasgi's new home.

Clara lifted her sword and brought it down towards a stunned Lilly. It slammed into something, but not Lilly. She was pushed back by an SGT much stronger than hers. She looked up and saw a white metal SGT. It had large plate armor over it. Unlike most of the SGTs, who had wings, it had 4 hovering wings two on each side, two higher than the others. It had an arm lifted with a bladed gauntlet raises in the position where it blocked the blade. She noticed it was Victor, but in a new SGT.

"Clara, I'll explain," He dismounted from his SGT and it returned to his forearm guard, with Lasgi's core. He turned to Lilly, "You okay?"

"Yeah, I am fine, I just didn't see it coming what so ever."

"Victor? What are you doing? She was attacking you!"

"I told her to," He sighed, "I was helping her train, she asked me to get better, but what are you doing here?"

"I was done studying, and Victoria told me you were here, I didn't know you were here with Lilly, I am sorry about that."

"No problem, Clara, I am fine, but about your studying, Victor, shouldn't you study? Like, the finals are in three weeks."

"Let me tell you a little secret," Victor laughed as they walked out of the arena, "I don't need to do them," He laughed at her reaction of shock, Clara sighed, "Sorry, Clara, but unlike you, I would have no chance to pass them," He hugged her with his left arm and rubbed her shoulder.

"But, wait, is that why you entered the competition, and did you graduate when you won it?"

"Ja," Clara smiled and rested her head on his shoulder, "You want to go eat?"

"Sure, Lilly, you coming?"

"I am going to go back to my room to get changed, I am in my SGT combat gear, unlike you, I can't dodge an SGT attacks."

"I guess you are right, well, see you later!"
