The Son of Soul Gear Part 14

They walked together, hand in hand, into the food court. Some of the girls noticed them and pointed and began talking. They lined up waiting for food, next to each other. Catherine stormed up to Victor, she pulled his shoulder and made him face her. A loud crack resonated through the food court.

"Catherine! What are you doing? Why did you slap him?"

"Father told you before-."

"Father?! You know what father told me? Do you?" It was the first time he had seen Clara get angry, "He told me that I could, apologize to Victor, NOW!"

"What? How would father allow this? I not apologizing to this worthless man."

"He beat YOU! He is the best in the school, now, apologize, you know what father will do to you if you don't, he is my man, and you just slapped him, APOLOGIZE!"

"Victor, I, I, I," She swallowed, "I am sorry."


"I am sorry," She looked beat down, "But when did father allow this?"

"I called him yesterday."


"Ja, yesterday," She glared at Catherine, "I wouldn't do that to you."

"Yes, Clara," She looked down and walked away. Everyone was speechless, Clara had always been the calm, patient, nice girl and here, she had snapped in a big way. Catherine was known for being a big mouth and pretty aggressive, the opposite of Clara, but this time, Catherine was the one who was getting yelled at, and Clara wasn't the nice girl she normally was.

"Victor, are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah," He said holding his cheek, "I was not expecting that, but you two, are sisters? But you don't share the same last names, why not?"

"I'll tell you later," She kissed his cheek, and all the girls gasped, "What are you guys looking at? Is it that much of a surprise?"

"Clara, when did this happen?" Elizabeth said walking over to her, "You have to explain it to me."

"I'll let Victor explain it," She said as the three of them walked over to Clara's usual table and sat down, next to each other, "He explains it better."

"Go on," All the girls that were in the cafeteria were around the table, all wanting to know what was the reason for this.

"So, 2 years ago, my year went for a trip, away from the campus," He began, "And I went for a walk with Clara, and if any of you were there, you remember the storm on one of the nights, well, I was out with Clara, we stayed the night in a refuge near where we were, but a fair distance from the camp, and well, I asked her out, and you can guess the rest."

"Wait, you're saying that it's been 2 years, 2 entire years and no one noticed anything?" Elizabeth piped in, "You are kidding, right? This is something recent, no?"

"No, it's been 2 years."

"And none of us noticed?" Marie asked, "But, is that why you two were roommates for the five years?"

"Okay, okay, we did nothing like what you are hinting at, Marie, but she asked for it and no one cared clearly, only making the connection now."

"But, why were you hiding it?"

"Apparently, Clara can't have an 'unworthy' partner."

"Okay, don't exaggerate it, my father is like that, I agreed to go out with him some time ago, my father accepted yesterday, after he won the tournament."

"Wait, Clara you should have told me, I wouldn't have over reacted to you guys," Everybody turned and face Catherine, "I wouldn't have made a joke of myself either."

"No problem, a simple slap is nothing, there are many ways that are worse ways to hit a guy," Everyone laughed at the comment.

"Victor, what happened to your arm? You haven't told anyone."

"It's nothing, just got shot, through my arm, I can't do shit with it now."

"You got shot?"

"Yeah, nevermind that, I don't want to talk about it," He said as Ms. Sasha's word repeated in his head, "How are your studies going?"

"Terrible, there is some much to cover," Annabel said, "And you?"

"What studies? Do I look like I study?"

"He doesn't need to."


"He made a deal with Ms. Sophia a week ago and it was that if he won the tournament, he would graduate."

"What? Really?"

"If I had to study and do the exams, well, I would fail, like fail hard."

"I guess, you never were a good student."

"Oh, and I am graduating top of the year."

"Okay, now that's unfair, sure, you winning the tournament to graduate, sure, but top of the class, no way that is fair."

"Oie, I beat Clara Kaiser, with a fucking shot bicep, cut me some slack," He laughed, "Enough talk, I am hungry, maybe you can ask me stuff later, after I eat, or tomorrow."

"You didn't tell them that you fought Lilly with no SGT," Clara said teasing him playfully.

"What?! You have to explain that."

"No, Clara, are you kidding me? I have to eat, talking so much is preventing that."

"Ja, I know," She laughed as she began eating, "Everyone wants to hear about it now."

"Yeah, I know, that's the problem," He sighed, "I don't really want to talk about it right now, maybe let me eat and then I can tell that story."