Chapter 5


When Ye Mo wakes up, he notices that his body is in a lot of pain and is somewhat numb. Remembering the snake, he hurriedly ignored the pain and sat himself up and looked around. Barely a meter away from him, he notices the snakes corpse and lets out a sigh of relief.

[Ding! Host has killed Qi Ji Stage 4 Poison-Marked Snake. Gained 50 points.]

"50 points huh. I'm not really sure if that was worth the risk, but it's good enough." Mutters Ye Mo as he stands up and stretches his now stiff body. He feels like he is a lot more powerful after that fight, so he checks out his status.

[Status Screen

- Name: Ye Mo

- Age: 24

- Gender: Male

- Race: Human/???

- Cultivation Realm: Qi Ji Stage 2

- Cultivation Technique: Death Mantra

- STR: 30

- AGI: 25

- VIT: 55

- INT: 15

- Skills: Stab Burst(G.1)

- Perks: Perfect Memory, Enhanced Regeneration, Poison Resistance(B)

- Points: 70

- System Level: 1]

"What the hell? Why did my stats gain a huge increase, and why did I suddenly get a poison resistance perk? The heck is the B beside it? System, please explain." Ye Mo sighs helplessly.

[Ding! Host's stats have increased that much due to Host bathing in the blood of the snake. The 1% Dragon bloodline in it's body increased Host's stats. If Host bathed in a real Dragon's blood, Host's stats would have increased by hundreds to thousands. Host has gained Poison Resistance(B) due to swallowing the Inner Core of the Poison-Marked Snake. The (B) stands for Basic.]

"So that's why. Well, I won't complain. What the heck is an Inner Core though? The Wolf and Boar did not have those." Asks Ye Mo.

[Ding! Host in incorrect. Both the Grey Wolf and Lightning Boar had an Inner Core. Every beast in the world has an Inner Core. They are located within the head of every beast. Host did not do anything to the beast heads, so Host did not find an Inner Core. They are also small when they are in the Qi Ji realm.]

"Is that so. I should probably collect Inner Cores from now on then, since they will most likely be used as some sort of currency in human towns and cities. Oh well, I will deal with that at another time." Sighs Ye Mo as he walks over to the snake corpse and looks around for his dagger.

Ye Mo found his dagger handle sticking into the snakes head, so he grabs it and pulls it out, but what he sees makes him nearly curse. He forgot that the dagger corroded from the snakes blood when he stabbed it.

Sighing, Ye Mo drops the handle and checks out the shop for weapons, to see if he can buy anything to replace his dagger.

[Weapons Shop(G.1)

- Grade 1 Short Sword: A short sword made out of common steel. Not the best, but better than nothing.(120 points)

- Grade 1 Long Sword: A long sword made out of common steel. Not the best, but better than nothing.(130 points)

- Grade 1 Heavy Sword: A heavy sword made out of common steel. Not the best, but better than nothing.(150 points)

- Grade 1 Saber: A saber made out of common steel. Not the best, but better than nothing.(120 points)

- Grade 1 Spear: A spear made out of common steel. Not the best, but better than nothing.(135 points)

- Grade 1 Axe: A axe made out of common steel. Not the best, but better than nothing.(130 points)

- Grade 1 Dagger: A dagger made out of common steel. Not the best, but better than nothing.(100 points)]

"What the hell is with those descriptions... They are all basically the same, just with a different weapon name. Well whatever, I can't even buy a dagger right now... I am so freaking poor, huh. I guess points are essential things, should of figured since I asked for this, but I feel stupid. I should of just asked for a bunch of points as one of my wishes... Well whatever." Grumbles Ye Mo as he starts looking around the cave to see if there is anything useful around.

As Ye Mo was walking past a cluster of rocks, the System suddenly started spamming screens in front of him, causing him to have to look at them.

[Ding! System has detected a Grade 5 Ore. Host can sell the Grade 5 Ore to the System for 500 points.]

[Ding! System has detected a Grade 5 Ore. Host can sell the Grade 5 Ore to the System for 500 points]

[Ding! System has detected a Grade 5 Ore. Host can sell the Grade 5 Ore to the System for 500 points.]

"What? A grade 5 ore? Where is that? I can even sell it? Since when was that possible..." Wonders Yo Mo as he looks around to find the ore.

[Ding! The Grade 5 Ore is right beside the Host. The cluster of rocks is where it is located. Please pick it up and System will buy it for 500 points.]

Ye Mo looks towards the cluster of rocks and notices a rock that is different than the rest of the cluster. Walking over to it and picking it up, Ye Mo instantly feels as his hand was plunged into a freezer.

[Ding! Would Host like to sell the Grade 5 Ore for 500 points? Y/N]

Ye Mo hurriedly pressed the yes button and the ore disappears from his hand, and it slowly loses the chill from before. Ye Mo then remembered his left arm and looks towards it. After he looks towards it, he realizes why he forgot about it. His arm is completely gone all the way up to his shoulder, not even the bones are left.

A bit scared and annoyed by his loss of an arm, Ye Mo asks the system if it has a way to heal his arm, and the answer he gets makes his mouth twitch crazily.

[Ding! Host can get a full-body heal for 500 points. The next full-body heal will be increased in price by 4 times. Does Host want to buy a full-body heal for 500 points? Y/N]

His mouth twitching like crazy, Ye Mo sighs before he clicks yes. What does his new 500 points matter if he can get his arm back. After Ye Mo presses yes, his body is covered by a white light which quickly disappears and Ye Mo has a brand new arm. Even the damage left to his internal organs left by the poison is gone.

[Ding! Host has purchased a full-body heal for 500 points. 70 points remaining.]

"I was going to buy a sword with those points, but I guess not... Well whatever. I can just kill a few weak beasts with my hands for the time being, then I can buy my sword." Ye Mo sighs before he leaves the cave. Once he leaves the cave, Ye Mo walks back towards the lake area. Once there, Ye Mo drinks a few mouthfuls of water before he strips off his robe and backpack and jumping into the lake.

Once he enters the lake, Ye Mo feels a refreshing feeling flowing all around his body. Due to this, Ye Mo spaces out for a while and after he comes back to it, Ye Mo notices that his skin seems to be... paler? Ye Mo hurriedly jumps out of the lake and asks the system what happened.

[Ding! Host has bathed in a cleansing lake. The lake has cleansed all of the Host's meridians, organs, bones and skin. The Host's skin is paler because it is a lot healthier now.]

"Paler means healthier... What the hell is with this world. Whatever, this is obviously a good thing, I also feel a bit stronger. Did that increase my stats as well?" Ye Mo says as he brings up his status to check.

[Status Screen

- Name: Ye Mo

- Age: 24

- Gender: Male

- Race: Human/???

- Cultivation Realm: Qi Ji Stage 2

- Cultivation Technique: Death Mantra

- STR: 35

- AGI: 30

- VIT: 60

- INT: 20

- Skills: Stab Burst(G.1)

- Perks: Perfect Memory, Enhanced Regeneration, Poison Resistance(B)

- Points: 70

- System Level: 1]

"Oh! It increased all of my stats by 5 each! That is really good. System, if I bath in it again will it increase my stats again?" Excitedly asks Ye Mo.

[Ding! Host, please do not fantasize. That is obviously not possible. If it was, everybody who found one of these lakes could increase their strength infinitely. Every person will only be able to increase their strength once by bathing in a Cleansing Lake.]

Ye Mo mumbles about ruining his fun and so on while he puts his robe back on. After dressing up again, Ye Mo asks the system to find him a beast a bit weaker than him. The system brings up and arrow which guides him towards the beast it found.

"It really is convenient having a system..." Mumbles Ye Mo as he follows the arrow. After following the arrow for 5 minutes, Ye Mo finds himself at a clear area without many trees. Looking around a bit, he notices a big cat laying in the middle of the clearing.

[Qi Ji Stage 3 Shadow Cat]

"Since it didn't give me a warning, it means it isn't dangerous to me at all unless I get careless." Whispers Ye Mo as he walks behind it slowly and quietly. Once he is within 5 meters, Ye Mo leaps towards the shadow cat and punches his right fist towards it's head.

The shadow cat felt something was wrong in it's surroundings so it quickly jumped to the side that the danger isn't at, but it was not fast enough. Although it managed to stop the fist from hitting it's head, the fist still hit it's stomach.

The shadow cat was instantly blasted away by the punch, and Ye Mo chased after it instantly, not giving it a chance to clear it's head. The shadow cat crashed into a boulder not far away and hisses out in pain. When it was about to get up and attempt to run away, Ye Mo's fist smashed right into the side of it's head, popping it like a balloon.

Ye Mo gets his arm covered in blood and brains, but he doesn't mind. Looking down at the head, Ye Mo notices a small pearl like thing in it's head. Figuring that would be the Inner Core, Ye Mo picks it up and is about to put it in his backpack when the system popped up.

[Ding! Host has killed Qi Ji Stage 3 Shadow Cat. Gained 20 points.]

[Ding! System has detected Qi Ji Stage 3 Inner Core. Does Host to sell it to System for 50 points? Y/N]

"What! I can sell Inner Cores to the system for points? That's freaking awesome, now it will be faster to gather points. The Inner Core gives me double what the beast itself gave me, how nice." Laughs Ye Mo as he presses the yes button. The Inner Core disappears and his points go from 70 to 140.

Having enough points to buy himself a weapon now, Ye Mo opens the shop and buys a sword sword for 120, leaving him with a mere 20 points. The sword appears on the ground in front of him and he picks it up. The sword is about 1.5 meters long. Ye Mo does a few practice swings and he finds that the sword feels nice and smooth to use.

Putting the sword in his belt like he did with the dagger, Ye Mo drags the shadow cat corpse back to the lake area. Once there, Ye Mo cuts off the head and throws it away, then scrapes off all the fur and cuts the meat. Ye Mo is really hungry, so he ended up eating all of the shadow cats meat. Checking the status, the meat gave a decent boost in stats.

[Status Screen

- Name: Ye Mo

- Age: 24

- Gender: Male

- Race: Human/???

- Cultivation Realm: Qi Ji Stage 2

- Cultivation Technique: Death Mantra

- STR: 38

- AGI: 32

- VIT: 62

- INT: 20

- Skills: Stab Burst(G.1)

- Perks: Perfect Memory, Enhanced Regeneration, Poison Resistance(B)

- Points: 20

- System Level: 1]

Now that he is full, Ye Mo figures it is time to increase his cultivation now. Sitting down beside the lake, Ye Mo starts using his Death Mantra technique and draws the Qi towards himself, gathering it all towards his dantian, which greedily absorbs it all.