Chapter 6

Once Ye Mo finishes his cultivation, he checks his dantian and notices that it is double the size of before. Quite happy, Ye Mo checks his status to see the change after cultivation.

[Status Screen

- Name: Ye Mo

- Age: 24

- Gender: Male

- Race: Human/???

- Cultivation Realm: Qi Ji Stage 4

- Cultivation Technique: Death Mantra

- STR: 52

- AGI: 48

- VIT: 72

- INT: 30

- Skills: Stab Burst(B)

- Perks: Perfect Memory, Enhanced Regeneration, Poison Resistance(B)

- Points: 20

- System Level: 1]

"What? How did I increase my cultivation by two stages with just a nights cultivation?" Asks Ye Mo while being completely confused and surprised.

[Ding! Host has gathered Qi from the meat of the Grey Wolf, Lightning Boar and Shadow Cat and it has been sitting in Host's body all this time. Since Host finally cultivated, the Qi gathered towards your dantian as well.]

"Ah, that makes sense. I completely forgot that it doesn't just increase my stats, it also leaves Qi inside my body. How convenient. At this rate, it won't be long before I am able to defeat the beast that is living at the cave where the spirit spring is located." Says Ye Mo while smiling. Once his strength increases a bit more, he would finally be able to get that spirit spring and increase it even more.

After asking the system to guide him towards another beast, Ye Mo follows the arrow for 30 minutes before he reaches the beast. When he looks for the beast, Ye Mo notices that there are a few monkeys! Not just one beast, but multiple!

Quite concerned about the amount, Ye Mo looks around and asks the system to tell him how many there are.

[Ding! There are 6 Steel Monkeys located at this nest. They are all between Qi Stage 2 and Qi Ji Stage 4. Host has no need to worry. Even if they all attacked together, they wouldn't be able to kill the Poison-Marked Snake.]

Letting out a breath of relief, Ye Mo grabs his sword out from his belt and holds it firmly while sneaking towards the monkeys. As expected, once he got within 5 meters of them, the Qi Ji Stage 4 monkey felt his presence and yells out towards the other monkeys that are lazing around.

Taking the chance that they are all still confused and split up, Ye Mo rushes towards the two Qi Ji Stage 2 monkeys, slashing his sword towards them. His sword cleanly severs the head from one of them, while he manages to leave a deep would on the chest of the other.

Not bothering with the wounded one any further, Ye Mo turns around and blocks the punch from the Qi Ji Stage 4 monkey in time, only being pushed back a few steps. After regaining his balance, Ye Mo runs towards the monkey and stabs his sword towards it's chest, causing it to stop it's attack and dodge to the right. Sneering at it, Ye Mo uses his Skill, Stab Burst, and the speed of the stab increases largely, causing the monkey to be unable to react.

It tries to block the stab with it's arms, but it was too slow. The sword penetrates it's heart cleanly, giving it no chance of survival. Pulling his sword out of the now dead monkey, Ye Mo runs towards the 3 Qi Ji Stage 3 monkeys who are scared stiff.

Seeing him run towards them, although they are stupid, they know they need to run. The attempt to run and end up going in the same direction, which saves Ye Mo time. A minute later, Ye Mo has 2 Qi Ji stage 2 Inner Cores, 3 Qi Ji Stage 3 Inner Cores, and 1 Qi Ji Stage 4 Inner Core.

[Ding! Host has killed 2 Qi Ji Stage 2 Steel Monkeys. Gained 20 points.]

[Ding! Host has killed 3 Qi Ji Stage 3 Steel Monkeys. Gained 45 points.]

[Ding! Host has killed Qi Ji Stage 4 Steel Monkey. Gained 50 points.]

[Ding! System has detected 2 Qi Ji Stage 2 Inner Cores, 3 Qi Ji Stage 3 Inner Cores and 1 Qi Ji Stage 4 Inner Core. Would Host like to sell them for a total of 210 points? Y/N]

Clicking yes, Ye Mo gained a total of 325 points. Ye Mo chops up the stage 4 monkey and eats it's meat before heading back to the lake while checking his status.

[Status Screen

- Name: Ye Mo

- Age: 24

- Gender: Male

- Race: Human/???

- Cultivation Realm: Qi Ji Stage 4

- Cultivation Technique: Death Mantra

- STR: 55

- AGI: 50

- VIT: 78

- INT: 32

- Skills: Stab Burst(B)

- Perks: Perfect Memory, Enhanced Regeneration, Poison Resistance(B)

- Points: 345

- System Level: 1]

"A nice stat increase. My points jumped from 20 to 345, how nice. Being able to sell Inner Cores like this to the system is so very useful. Hopefully it won't be long until I get 1000 points, since upgrading the system is the most important thing besides keeping my life currently. That way, I can get better items from the shop." Mutters Ye Mo while walking towards the lake.

Once back at the lake, Ye Mo decides to cultivate again, since he wants to gain access to that spirit spring sooner. Sitting down, Ye Mo activates his Death Mantra technique and gathers Qi towards himself once again.

4 hours later, Ye Mo opens his eyes and can instantly feel his strength increased without even checking his dantian. After checking it, his dantian doubled in size once again. Opening his status, Ye Mo checks his new stats.

[Status Screen

- Name: Ye Mo

- Age: 24

- Gender: Male

- Race: Human/???

- Cultivation Realm: Qi Ji Stage 5

- Cultivation Technique: Death Mantra

- STR: 65

- AGI: 60

- VIT: 84

- INT: 45

- Skills: Stab Burst(B)

- Perks: Perfect Memory, Enhanced Regeneration, Poison Resistance(B)

- Points: 345

- System Level: 1]

"A nice increase this time as well. It feels so nice to increase my strength this fast. This Death Mantra technique that the Goddess gave me is very useful to me, huh. It feels like it was made just for me, for some reason." Mutters Ye Mo. He opens his backpack and takes out the lightning boar meat and eats it all down. He is already used to the taste of raw meat now.

"System, if I fight the beast that is at the spirit spring cave, do I have a chance to win yet?" Asks Ye Mo as he stretches.

[Ding! Host would have a 60% chance of winning if he fought the beast now. Host is recommended to increase his cultivation to Qi Ji Stage 6 before fighting it.]

"Stage 6, huh. I guess I will be fighting the beast within 2 days. I hope it's strength didn't increase much. Well, it probably shouldn't have, since it doesn't have a cultivation technique like humans would." Sighs Ye Mo as he follows the arrow towards a new beast. Walking for an hour, Ye Mo finds the beast, or beasts.

Ye Mo found himself running from tens of rats, while cursing the system for not telling him this would happen. All Ye Mo did was kill the single rat beast he saw, when suddenly a few dozen of them crawled out of the ground and stared at him before chasing him.

Ye Mo cuts down a tree while he is running past it, and it falls down towards the rats, crushing ten of them to death. Laughing to himself, Ye Mo looks behind him and only sees 6 left, so he turns around and slashes his sword out towards them, cutting 2 in half instantly. The other 4 rats back up slightly before jumping towards him again.

Ye Mo cuts another rat in half while the other 3 bite his arms and legs, leaving cuts along his skin. He feels annoyed by the wounds and quickly killed of the last 3 rats, before sitting down and catching his breath.

[Ding! Host has killed 10 Qi Ji Stage 3 Earth Rats. Gained 130 points.]

[Ding! Host has killed 6 Qi Ji Stage 4 Earth Rats. Gained 120 points.]

After catching his breath, Ye Mo collects all 16 Inner Cores and sells them to the System for another 450 points, gaining him a total of 600 points. Not interesting in eating the half rats, Ye Mo walks back to the lake while checking his status.

[Status Screen

- Name: Ye Mo

- Age: 24

- Gender: Male

- Race: Human/???

- Cultivation Realm: Qi Ji Stage 5

- Cultivation Technique: Death Mantra

- STR: 66

- AGI: 60

- VIT: 85

- INT: 45

- Skills: Stab Burst(B)

- Perks: Perfect Memory, Enhanced Regeneration, Poison Resistance(B)

- Points: 945

- System Level: 1]

"I nearly have a thousand points now, Just one more beast and I should have enough. I wonder what will change after the system levels up." Excitedly wonders Ye Mo as he reaches the lake. The first thing he does is strip himself of his robe and instantly jumps into the lake to clean himself.

Once he gets out of the lake, Ye Mo notices that the injuries left behind by the rats are already healed. Sighing at how amazing the Enhanced Regeneration is, Ye Mo dresses himself before sitting down and cultivating again.

12 hours later, Ye Mo opens his eyes and checks his dantian. Seeing that it is doubled in size again, Ye Mo happily checks his status.

[Status Screen

- Name: Ye Mo

- Age: 24

- Gender: Male

- Race: Human/???

- Cultivation Realm: Qi Ji Stage 6

- Cultivation Technique: Death Mantra

- STR: 75

- AGI: 70

- VIT: 92

- INT: 62

- Skills: Stab Burst(B)

- Perks: Perfect Memory, Enhanced Regeneration, Poison Resistance(B)

- Points: 945

- System Level: 1]

"System, I should be able to kill the beast at the spirit spring now, right?" Excitedly asks Ye Mo. He has been longing for the spirit spring these past few days, since the system said it can increase his cultivation immensely.