Iron Barrel Challenge

When Xiao Jing returned to the dorm, she laid flat on the bed. Her chest wasn't tied up with the white strip, so she turned around and stared at the entrance of the dorm without blinking.

Perhaps it was due to her guilt, but she couldn't help but want to bow down and try to avoid everyone's gaze from looking at her.

Unknowingly, it was night and quiet.

"Dong, dong, dong." Hurried knocks on the door woke Xiao Jing from her slumber.

Xiao Jing reflexively sat up, and her head was instantly emptied. She looked towards the door where there was knocking, lightly patted her face, and vigilantly asked, "Who is it?"

"It's me, second lieutenant Xiao." Lin Qi's voice was filled with urgency, as though something serious had happened.

Xiao Jing opened the door slightly and smiled at the person who entered, "Is there anything that the Forest Academy wishes to do for me in the middle of the night?"

Lin Qi nodded his head, his expression solemn, "I just heard from Jiang Xin and the others that there will be an assessment targeting you and Qin Yi Shan tomorrow."

"What do you mean?"

"Because you two have the lowest marks in the past few days, the two of you have to challenge each other. The loser will immediately return."

Xiao Jing was stunned. Although Qin Yi Shan was not the strongest amongst them, but he was the elite of the 118 troops. The two of them were challenging each other for a game of glory. If he chose to use firearms, would he still have any hope of winning?

"I came to tell you the moment I heard this news. You should think about what you're good at and prepare yourself. If you really want to challenge each other tomorrow, that would be good as well." Lin Qi patted Xiao Jing's shoulder meaningfully.

Xiao Jing closed the door. What did she actually do so well? She had been eating and drinking in the 525 group for three years. Forget about guns, even if she threw a gun in front of her, she might not even be able to recognize this thing's name.

Xiao Jing lay back on the bed, scratching his head.

5 in the morning. The sun was rising. It was as if a corner of the dark sky had been cracked open by something.

Sparse light rushed out and lit up the entire night. Area B, Fourth Battalion was enveloped in a bright light, as if it was daytime.

Xiao Jing was the last person to reach the Fourth Battalion. Looking at the lineup in front of her, she felt that this was her own life and death battle.

More than half of the Iron Eagle Unit's team members had gathered, forming a circle as if they were discussing some interesting topic.

"Form up." Mu Xi Chi looked at the last person who had arrived late, and shouted loudly with power.

Xiao Jing held onto an iron bucket and stood at the very last spot of the group.

Lin Qi asked softly, "What are you doing carrying a bucket over here?"

Xiao Jing smiled, "Didn't you say you want to take out something that I am good at?"

Lin Qi frowned, so he gave up on himself and brought a bucket?

As usual, Shen Cheng Feng was dressed in long robes and pants, an army hat and a cape.

"Captain, everyone is present." Mu Xi Chi reported the situation.

Qi Yue looked at the crowd, and then locked his gaze onto Xiao Jing who was at odds with them, and asked in shock, "Why is he bringing over a metal barrel?"

No one knew what Xiao Jing was planning to do.

Qi Yue laughed in ridicule, and said. "Or maybe someone intentionally leaked the news, letting him know what we're doing today."

Shen Cheng Feng looked to the side, their eyes meet, and said, "Is that important? I do not care about the process, I only want the results, today is their last chance, if they lose, they return, if they win, they continue their training, my Iron Eagle has never been a charity camp that was put up as a number. "

"Captain's words are very reasonable. I will wait and see the results of today's challenge." Qin Yishan stepped out of the crowd, faced the two leaders and saluted with his head held high.


Qi Yue nodded his head, "You and Xiao Jing were the last two in yesterday's competition, so according to the rules, you two will take the next test today and each challenge the other. Remember, everyone only has one chance to accept the challenge."

Qin Yi Shan subconsciously looked towards Xiao Jing. He couldn't help but clench his fist. However, his metal barrel was particularly eye-catching. Just what was inside? In a situation where he didn't know his enemy's situation, he could only choose his most powerful weapon to defeat him and obtain the first score.

"I've already thought about it. I choose to fire in fifty-three seconds." Qin Yishan confidently stated his challenge.

Xiao Jing's heart skipped a beat. She had expected Qin Yi Shan to choose firearms, but unexpectedly, it was a quick shot.

"Then what about you, Xiao Jing?" Qi Yue's gaze fell upon the last position of the crowd. He should be able to guess the purpose of the barrel now.

Xiao Jing took a step forward, and powerfully replied, "Instructor means that we should challenge each other, choosing our strongest option, and can choose any ability other than the training program, right?"


"Then the one I am challenging is this iron bucket." Xiao Jing directly placed the iron bucket on the table.

Qi Yue curiously looked at it closely. When he saw that the barrel was half full of the transparent liquid, he said: "What does that mean? To challenge him, who drinks faster?"

Xiao Jing shook his head, and explained in a serious tone: "This is the strong sulfuric acid with a concentration of 99%."

"..." When these words were spoken, the entire audience fell into a deathly silence. A strong acid with a concentration of 99%, what did he, Xiao Jing, want to do? Do you want to hurt each other and throw sulfuric acid at each other?

The corner of Qi Yue's mouth twitched, "What are you doing here?"

"Didn't Instructor say to choose the strongest point to challenge the other party? That is my strength." With that said, in order to confirm whether the liquid inside the barrel was truly corrosive, Xiao Jing took out a small piece of cloth and placed it inside, and in that instant, white smoke billowed out.

Qi Yue's eyes were wide open, he could not understand what he meant.

After a while, Xiao Jing took out the shredded cloth and placed it back on the table.

There was only a small piece left, the rest had already been completely burnt, only leaving behind some dust.

Shen Cheng Feng looked at the calm Xiao Jing, who was speaking, and lightly tapped the table with his finger, as if he was pondering about something very serious.

"What are you trying to do?" Qi Yue frowned slightly as he replied in a more serious tone.

"My intention is clear. My challenge is to wash my hands with sulfuric acid." As soon as he finished speaking, under everyone's gaze, Xiao Jing stretched his hand towards the barrel without any pressure.

Facing dozens of eyes on the stage, Xiao Jing stirred the barrel's concentrated strong sulfuric acid as if he was washing his hands in the water!