Bring Back My Pride And Honor

It was silent. So silent that they could even hear if a pin dropped. Everyone watched with dumbfounded expressions, and their expressions were just like when they first saw their officer corroding a python. 

Mu Xi Chi blinked his eyes, after confirming that he was not dazzled, he pinched Jiang Xin who was beside him and asked, "Does it hurt?"

Jiang Xin reacted, getting his hands away, and walking up skeptically. He looked carefully at the colourless, odourless liquid in the barrel, and then took out a piece of paper. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the white paper was swallowed the moment it came into contact with the liquid, turning into a pile of ashes without a trace.

Jiang Xin took two steps back in astonishment, and stared at Xiao Jing who remained unharmed after washing his hands with extreme fear.

Was he a human or a ghost?

Pei Yi pushed his glasses and finally understood why Xiao Jing did not have any injuries after coming into contact with the officer barehanded. It turned out that this person actually had such a unique ability.

Qin Yishan stood in front of the table, facing the barrel of liquid. He didn't know whether to laugh or cry and said, "Is there a need to make such a big deal out of this?"

Xiao Jing shrugged his shoulders helplessly, "I seem to only have this kind of strength, if I do not use my trump card in this life or death battle, I think that I will lose for sure."

Qin Yishan swallowed his saliva and nodded, "Yes, I cannot accept your challenge. I have lost."

Xiao Jing let out a light breath. As long as she did not miss all the targets in the three seconds of quick shooting, she should still have a chance of staying in the Iron Eagle.

Qi Yue looked at the silent Shen Cheng Feng at his side, and spoke with a serious expression, "You can even do this kind of unorthodox method?"

Shen Cheng Feng stopped knocking and faced Qi Yue who had asked the question with a voice that was neither sad nor happy, and said: "Or do you think you can accept Xiao Jing's challenge?"

Qi Yue was speechless. Who dared to take the risk of losing a hand to soak in sulfuric acid?

Shen Cheng Feng put on his sunglasses and looked at Qin Yi Shan who was in the midst of preparing. No one could see what he was thinking at this moment.

Xiao Jing awkwardly selected her sniper rifle, she was not sure if this model could be better suited to her, the dozens of models in front of her all looked similar, so she could only choose a more familiar one to hold in her hand.

That was E Nation's newest type of strong assault sniper rifle, FB005. It had explosive power and high speed, and the only thing that was lacking was that the butt of the sniper rifle was too strong, making it easy for one to take off the gun, especially for novices. Xiao Jing noticed that he was looking at her and smiled, "Captain Qin, there's no need to be lenient with me. Today's matches are all about our own glory."

Qin Yishan withdrew the words that he was about to say and walked to his target. He then calmly aimed at the incoming bullets.


A black ball rose into the air. Qin Yishan moved quickly. Without any hesitation, he pulled the trigger.

"Pa!" The black ball shattered.

The next moment, one ball after another was shot out. The sky seemed to be lit with colorful flowers, and it was as if colorful flowers were blooming in the sky. It looked extremely beautiful with its luxuriant-purple color...

Qi Yue nodded his head in satisfaction, "Nine out of ten with great results."

Xiao Jing walked to the target position, closed her eyes and calmed her good mood. When she opened her eyes once again, her hearing was sharp and her eyes were sharp.

"Bam!" At the same time, a black ball soared into the sky.

Xiao Jing quickly pulled the trigger, and with a "pa" sound, the bullet shot out from the muzzle of the gun, exploding the black ball.

The sniper rifle suddenly shot backwards, causing Xiao Jing to pause for a moment. She didn't have time to react, her shoulder hurt, and her expression became cold. The colorful balls in the sky shot out one after another without a break. Every time a bullet was shot, the pain from the backlash from the gun would increase.

"Pah! Pow! Pah!"

Qi Yue took off his sunglasses in disbelief, and looked at Shen Cheng Feng who had an indifferent expression as if he had known this for a long time, and laughed bitterly.

"This is the first time I've heard that this fourth young master Xiao's spear skills are so accurate. Ten out of seven, it can be considered a pretty good result."

"That's because he didn't choose a good weapon. If he chose the same M500 as Qin Yi Shan, I think his result would be even better." Shen Cheng Feng turned his head to look at Qi Yue, speaking carelessly.

Xiao Jing gasped for breath as she placed the gun back onto the table, she rubbed her aching arm and smiled knowingly.

Qin Yishan lowered his head and could not help clenching his fists.

Qi Yue walked forward and looked at the depressed Qin Yishan, his eyes blazing, "Do you know what I'm going to say?"

Qin Yishan raised his head high, stuck out his chest and said: "I lost."

"You may indeed have defeated Xiao Jing in terms of firearms, but looking at your overall score, you have lost today. Go back and pack up." Qi Yue announced without hesitation.

Qin Yishan bit his lower lip and his eyes were rimmed red. However, he forced himself not to lower his head and bowed to Shen Cheng Feng, then saluted everyone and left with big strides.

"Captain Qin." Jiang Shi said softly. In the end, he could only swallow back his words. What happened today was truly out of everyone's expectations. After all, in front of the largest black hole, everyone had the chance to win.

Xiao Jing watched as Qin Yi Shan left without saying a word. She was already starting to be eliminated, and Qin Yi Shan today might perhaps be their tomorrow, and after a while, she might also pack up her things and leave this place with regret.

"Alright, the rest of you, start your training. Ten kilometers and ten kilograms of cross-country training." Qi Yue lit up a cigarette and exhaled a long cloud of smoke.

"Follow me." Shen Cheng Feng walked straight towards Xiao Jing's side.

Xiao Jing came back to reality and followed closely behind him.

The living quarters were quiet in the early morning. Birds fluttered their wings as they flew through the treetops.

Shen Cheng Feng stopped in his tracks. Xiao Jing crashed into his back and retreated quickly to maintain the distance.

Shen Cheng Feng turned around and looked at the figure that had purposely left his area of control. As usual, he remained calm and collected, "Why do you want to win?"

"Why should I lose?" The Xiao Jing retorted.

"Your Xiao clan has thought of a way to get you back. You will have the chance to leave today."

"I said that I would bring back my pride and honor, instead of being eliminated and sent back."

"You are very smart. You know how to use your strength to defeat your opponent."

"Thank you for your praise, sir." The corner of the Xiao Jing's mouth lifted proudly.

Shen Cheng Feng raised his hand and patted Xiao Jing on the head, and said coldly: "Using such a small thought to win, is it worth to be proud of?"

Xiao Jing raised her eyes, seeing the big palm on his head, for a moment, she did not know how to respond. This feeling was akin to touching a dog.