He Slowly Changed

After cum out three times, Albert lust finally satisfied. He lied down and looked blankly at the ceiling. On his right arm, Elena hugged his arm and snuggled happily. He couldn't help to wonder. When his lust took over his head, he became a beast. He even did not hesitate to enslave his personal maid just for his vanity. He could not help to feel guilty for Elena. If he was sane before, he would let her go. Alas, the beer has already spilled. He couldn't reverse the Slave Mark spell anyway. He decided to make her happy and follow him forever.

At the evening, he woke Elena up. If he didn't wake her, his parent would surely angry at her. It was a very simple thing yet important. As her master, he needed to ensure his slave worked properly and showed her that he also care at her.

Albert touched her adorable check and said, "Elena, it's time to wake up. My father will scold you if you do not wake up now."

Like a little kitten, she opened her lovable eyes and without shame showed her two mounds. The two mounds are not overly big and not small either. It was a perfect combination with her hourglass figure. She lazily sat up and her breasts swayed left and right. It seems wanted to invite Albert hand to hold them again.

She elegantly stood up and said, "Young master, is my body beautiful?" She asked while posed her body in seductive position.

Albert gulped saliva and nodded. Strangely, his lust didn't flare up this time. Even with his normal condition, he could not avert his gaze from her gorgeous body. But why the curse didn't flare up? This event more or less confirmed his theory before. As long he has 'sacrificial offering', the lust would be controllable.

Thankfully, his silent and blank look created misunderstanding inside Elena mind. She guessed that her master really liked her sexy body. It made her pride soar. After showing her body to her master, she walked to the bathroom to clean her body from her sweat and love fluids. Of course, she didn't close the door.

Inside Albert mind, he could know what Elena thought. It was really marvelous. With this, he could know what she thinks and what made her happy.

After Elena entered the bathroom, Albert began to read his two skills description. was slavery skill to enslave living organism. Everything could be enslaved as long as the slave wanna-be didn't give any resistance. From this description, Albert exploited this skill when he lost his sanity to his own lust. To make Elena gave zero resistance, Albert used his penis to make her mind blank. Maybe it was his curse feature to make him understand many things about sex. He instantly knew that sex would stimulate her body to produce a thing. This thing will affect her mind similar to narcotic or drunk effect.

So, although she not willingly, he could make her mind had zero resistance. That's why he could successfully cast the marked at her. Very practical yet very marvelous for him who never taste forbidden fruit in his previous life.

Not long after, Elena came out from the bathroom. She had already worn her maid uniform and elegantly walked toward him.

"Master, I have already prepared the warm water at the bath tube." After she said that, she silently stood up like her usual.

Albert stood up and then caressed her smooth hair. Like an adorable cat, she smiled happily with his pat. After satisfied, Albert entered the bathroom. He cleaned the love fluid and sweat on his body, especially his sticky penis. After the fight for several hours, soaking inside the warm water really very comfortable. Still, the feeling of pleasure still lingering inside his mind and body. He laughed at his own blunder. Not even a day, he already got a slave. Then how many slaves would he have after several years?

The problem was, he didn't know how to completely suppressed the lust curse. What he knew was, the curse would not be ignited shortly after vented his urge. The short term he needed to do was regularly has sex with Elena to keep his lust under control.

'Thankfully, Elena has already became my slave. I can vent my lust on her any time anywhere.' He thought and then let out small sight.

After he finished his bath, he came out from the bathroom only wore a towel. Albert instantly felt blazing gaze at him. Right, that gaze was from Elena. She brought a suit for him. As he didn't shy with his naked body enjoyed by another gender, with Elena advice, he wore them one by one. His clothes was casual white strip shirt and black jeans. His body was still thin, nothing worth mentioning after he wore the clothes except his face.

'Sight, at least my body slightly stronger than before.'

Based his understanding, was passive skill. Every time he fucked a female, their nature energy that came out when they climax would automatically absorbed by him.

But this was still good development. He could regain his former strength much quicker than his prediction. As innocent he was, Albert didn't know that all Evil God stuff slowly changed his mindset.

Albert and Elena arrived at the dinning room. Obviously, this event startled his two parents. Basically the doctor told his parents that Albert needed several weeks to get his former condition. But looked at him, Albert absolutely look healthy. His visible bruise and forehead wound had vanished completely.

"Albert, are you okay?" Finally his mother asked.

Albert smiled and then said, "I'm okay, mom. Look, the bruises are gone completely."

Albert opened his shirt and showed his smooth skin to his parents. His mother obviously very happy. She immediately stood up and then hugged him. She even crying happily. As for his father, he just nodded in happy expression. Maybe that was his father trade mark, just silent and slightly cold. He has met several people that has similar attitude and manner as him.

After the dinner was done, Albert father suddenly said, "Al, your body has healed completely. Why not you continue your study? Maybe you can regain your memory there."

Albert nodded his head and after a brief silent, he said, "It's good dad. I think school life will help me regain my lost memories. But before that, I need to learn several common senses. It's quiet awkward to socialize with people without common sense."

Albert knew about study. In his late age before, he also established an academy for young and talented beast tamer. So, he deducted that the school and academy was almost same except the teaching material.

Albert immediately agreed with his father suggestion. He wanted to enjoy his school life too. But not tomorrow. He still needed to understand several common senses in this world. And Elena was the perfect teacher for it.

"That good too. Elena will help you with it. Then, are you want to continue with previous school or want father to move you to another school?" Father John asked him.

He didn't know what to choose. Both were fine for him. But he didn't know why, his heart wanted him to choose different school. Maybe it was because he was completely stranger to this world. Even he entered the previous school, he could not regain the previous Albert memories, right?

As for his memory lost problem, with his parents influence nothing would happen.

"I think I want to try another school, dad."

His father nodded and continued his dinner.

Back to his room, Elena followed him entered his room. As his personal maid, it was very normal for Elena to accompany him on the bed. It was the duty of maid servant.

Right at this moment, Albert wanted to examine his after effect.

"Elena, strip your clothes and lie on the bed with your breast at top." Albert commanded.

"Yes, Master." Elena immediately stripped her clothes without hesitation. With slave mark influence, Albert command was absolute.

Her flawless white skin once again appeared in front of him. Even after three times, he still could not help to wonder. Her beauty really otherworldly.

But after a moment of gaze, Albert finally realized that her skin was more flawless than before. Then he tried to touch the skin with his hand. And the result was, her skin was smoother and more tender than before! Her bouncing twin mounds and swayed round ass were capable to destroy a nation.

There was no way a drastic change appeared on human body except...

'So like that. The Dual Cultivation also give her a benefit too. That's why she look more beautiful than before. Hahaha I think it's only my imagination.' Albert laughed at heart

On other side, Elena saw her master smiled. She felt happy. Her master love her, he like her body more. She also aware her skin transformation. But the change was good one. And the most important was, her master like it.

Her face slightly blushed and lifted her arms.

"Master, love me..." She said with affectionate gaze.

Albert stunned, but immediately back to normal. He smiled and then said while caressing her check, "Thanks Elena. But we has already sex several hours ago. My body is still weak. If I accidentally overused my stamina, my recuperation will be halted and then I will back to this bed again as patient."

"Em." She said with low voice. Only she and Albert could heard it.

Albert immediately looked at her left breast. He drew his mark there. No blood or the mark there. The blood drawing has vanished without any trace and left her flawless skin. He finally understood that the mark was entered her soul and branded it.

After satisfied with the result, he kissed her lips passionately and then told her to accompany his sleep. No sex here. Albert just hugged her as smooth pillow. He still needed to train at midnight. It was not midnight of the clock, but the midnight of the moon.