Human Was Created To Be The Weakest and The Wisest

This days was Sunday. My parents has rule for the servant and maid servant to have a day off every week at Saturday or Sunday. And Sunday was Elena holiday. At first, Elena refused to take a day off and took care of her master. But Albert commanded her to spend her time with her family and settled her relation with her childhood friend. At least, he didn't make Elena cheating.

As Albert very satisfied with Elena service, Albert gave bonus a thousand graham. The value one graham was about same as one portion of burger. Under graham, the country also had cent. thousand cent has same value as one graham.

Although sad, Elena did what Albert said. She back home and spent her time with her. She knew her mental state well. Her love shift was very strange and had deeper impact in her heart. She knew that she loved her childhood friend. But after she served her young master huge penis, she felt that her love to her childhood faded completely and she began to fall in love with her young master. She even without realized, called him master.

"Sis, you are in daze again. It's already three times! What wrong?" A little boy suddenly called Elena from behind.

Elena snapped from her daydreaming and gaze at her little brother apolitically. She shuffle his hair and said, "Sorry, little Kidd. Sis currently doesn't know what to do. Suddenly sis love for Ferdinand faded away. Sis doesn't know what should I do."

Kidd, her little brother surprised by his elder sister confession. He still a kid, yes. But in era of internet, how could he didn't know about adult mater. Maybe, Kidd has many man of culture collection under his bed and inside his personal computer.

"Sis, are you sure? You even give Big Bro Ferd your first time and now you said that you didn't love him anymore? Wow I'm speechless." Kidd said with exaggerated manner.

Elena felt urge to slap his head. This kid, how could he know about this stuff? she thought.

"Sis, fall in love with young master Albert now. Btw, with your wisdom, what should sis does to resolve me and Ferd relationship?"

This time, Elena genuinely asked her little brother to provide a good suggestion and solution. Ended her relation abruptly seemed very bad. She also felt very sad when she imagined Ferd sad face.

"Just said frankly. When the problem too difficult to be settled, frank is the best method." Kidd said in serious expression. Despite he was kid, a junior high school, his wisdom and far more than his peers.

After contemplating for a while, Elena indeed didn't find any solutions for her problem. Looking at her little brother, she let out a bitter sigh. She thanking him and have him a graham as bonus. The little kid immediately thanking her elder sister and ran out to spend his graham.

'Sigh, he still kid after all.' she thought.

Cleaning the house, done. Prepare several dish, done. Now was time to end her relationship with Ferdinand, her current lover.

She steeled her heart and dialed his phone number.

"Hello, my darling. Are you already missed me?" the other side said.

"Uh em, hello ferd. Sorry, we cannot continued our relationship. Sorry, but I really don't have any feeling to you." Elena said with shuttered voice. It was like a tiny part of her heart against it.

"What?! Am I did something wrong before? What is it? I will immediately fix it!" The other side said anxiously.

"No, you are very good, Ferd. But my heart is stolen and so many times I try to retrieve and recreate my love for you, it's failed. Sorry."

Before other side replied, Elena hang up her call. She felt guilty, extremely guilty. But like a magic, the feeling was washed away by the mark. As long as it was for her master, anything was worth. Joyful feeling reappeared inside her heart again when she remember the sex with her master. From what she experienced, her master was noob in sex. He only knew one position, missionary.

"Maybe at the next sex, I will teach master about various sex positions. Hehe."

In another side, inside his room, Albert slowly digested moon essence. This essence was one of several pure nature energy. Why he named it moon essence? Because the energy was more dense and it source was moon, not earth. Beside the moon, sun, and several combination stars or this world named it stars constellation also gave the essence. Alas, he only had a complete manual to absorb the moon essence. His predecessor also researched about the manual, but until he die, only moon cultivation manual could be considered as complete cultivation manual.

"Right now, what are they doing, my foolish disciples?"

Then Albert shook his head. He shifted his focus to the moon essence he absorbed. Although the moon essence was slightly lacking compared to his previous life moon essence, the concentration was more than nature essence on earth. But the amount essence he could absorb was only 10%. The rest was back to the nature or digested by his cells.

Let's author explain about the beast tamer and the nature energy and essence.

In the Divine Beast Plane, to survive in the harsh environment, human need to contract the beast. Why? Because by contracting the beast, human can share their wisdom with the beast and the beast can share their power and energy pool with human. Symbiotic mutualism. Of course, like eastern fantasy novel, the beast can get intelligent at the certain level. So, Albert and the rest can only contract the beast at the low level.

Then, human also had level system. Because every level up will only gave minuscule advantage compared to the beasts, The God gift every humanity to contract once more every 10 levels. And the most awesome of human skill was soul merging. Human can merge with their one of the beast they contracted and obtain almost all the beast capability. The duration last for several hours based on their energy pools.

And human energy pool was too small. Albert could only absorb 10% of moon essence.

Ah! Author forget about the different between essence and energy. Just analogy the energy is normal air and the essence is steam. The density is different.

Back to the Albert side, Albert felt fresher and more energetic than before. He also smell unpleasant thing similar to urine and rotten egg. Thankfully, he trained only with a boxer. No unnecessary clothes sacrificed.

After cleaning him self, he realized that it was already 9 o'clock. It was already too late to enjoy breakfast together with his new warm family. At evening, he planned to enjoy the outside crowd with Elena. He really want enjoy this beautiful and safe world.