The School and The Online Game

After playing outside with Elena for several hours, Albert slightly grasped more common senses in this world. What the most he interested was, an online game. Recently, Evil God Private Company launched multi national scale full dive game. This game was launched at the same time with the premier launching of full dive cabin.

When Albert saw the advertisement, his lip twitched. By the company name, he easily knew that the Evil God was behind this technology advancement. Elena also said that the company was only recently appeared and come with virtual technology breakthrough. So, Albert could deduct that the Evil God was behind the scene and the name was not only coincidental.

And why Albert interested in game was because the company stated that the game was about taming the beasts. As former saint and leader of sanctuary, Albert 80% sure that the game was carbon copy of his former plane. Of course, everything would be different because the game was not the real Divine Beast Plane.

"Master, are you interested in that VR game?" Elena asked.

"Em, I really want to play it. I hope you also enjoy the game with me." Albert said that and caressed her smooth hair. Like a cat, she really fond of his caress.

Back to home, Albert immediately said that he wanted to play the newly released online VR game. His father agreed because Albert also said that he wanted go to school at the same time. Of course, he didn't even interested in the knowledge because he could remember all the books he read. And when he didn't do his training, he would read all books available inside his room. His super brain was affected by his soul. His soul was saint rank, so his new brain also automatically followed.

His father efficiency also top notch. Just several hours and the game cabins had already installed on the unused room. But because of Albert had already said that he wanted to enjoy the school life, he could not try it for a while.

Inside the car, Albert and Elena wore the same uniform. These were the school uniform from nearest school, Saint Anthony High School. Right, it was school that founded by the church. Albert knew two god, so he also believe that the earth also has at least a god as well. He didn't care about who god was the most powerful. All god was same. They would let human do as they please and control it with karma. They even put Hell and Heaven as gift for the accumulation karma. This system was adopted by the majority of humanity to control their organisation. For example the country, cooperation, merchant, etc.

Back to the main line. Albert chose it because of the distance and the class duration. The distance was near and the class duration was only seven hours per day. So, he could play the game quickly.

Inside the headmaster office, Elena gave transfer recommendation to him. Everything went smooth and full of flattery from the available teacher in the room. After everything was done, the homeroom teacher told Albert and Elena to their class.

"Nice to meet you, Albert, Elena. I will be your homeroom teacher. My name is Calvin George. You two will be assigned in the elite class, grade two."

"Nice to meet you."

"Em, nice to meet you."

Arrived at the classroom front, Teacher Calvin told them to wait.

Inside the classroom.

"Attention every body. We get two transfer student today. Albert, Elena, enter." Calvin said loudly.

No one responded what Calvin said. But when Albert and Elena entered the classroom, the commotion broke out.

"Fuck! The goddess descend to the mortal world!" Student one said in exaggerated word.

"Oh My God! So handsome!" A girl student exclaimed.



All in all, the female side immediately idolized Albert and antagonized Elena. And the boy looked horny when they saw Elena sexy figure and beautiful body. Looked at their horny stare, Albert secretly felt angry inside his heart.

How could they dare to stare at his slave?!

He really wanted to dug their eyeballs for their lust over Elena. But he knew that this was inevitable. Elena was really beautiful in nature. Albert could only bitterly sigh. After the introduction session finished, Albert got a side beside a glassed girl. And Elena sat beside an average female student. And the lesson formally started.

In the class, every girl flocked at him like chicks and boys started to court his Elena. Thankfully that Elena was his slave, no mater they did, Elena was his possession.

After the school day was over, they immediately went back home. Inside the car, he slumped on the Elena thigh. He really felt tired with the girls endless bullshit.

And Elena just laughed at him.

"Why are you laugh at me?! That girls are very annoying. The most annoying is the boy brazenly courting you. That really make mad!"

Elena smile became wider after hearing her master remark. She gently caressed Albert hair with full of affection. Albert obviously knew what she thought. Her affection made Albert heart became warm. Although the warm was indirectly created by the skill, it was still pure affection from her. And it was his need for now onward.

After they took a bath together, Albert turned on his PC and told Elena to guide him browsing the internet. He wanted to know more about the his previous life 'carbon copy' game. Based on available information, This game basic system was similar to his previous world, taming beast to survive in the cruel world. There was different in the strength parameter. Although in his previous world the level concept had already well known, the EXP concept was new. To level up, the native needed hard work and huge amount of luck to level up. But in this game, Except for every major threshold, level up would be determined by the amount of EXP.

Beside that, everything was same. No numeric damage or probability of critical damage. Basically it was almost similar to the current life.

Then he opened the registration web. He entering his Citizen ID and the game client serial number.

The page changed to in game information. He entered his username, Al. He also chose the most outer village as his starting point. As his servant, Elena also registered and chose the same village as him.

"Let's go to the gaming room, Elena." Albert said.

"Em, master." Elena replied respectfully.

The game client was similar to sci-fi pilot cabin. He just needed to lied on inside and the client would do the rest.

After the cabin closed, a hologram immediately appeared.

[Scanning user... scan complete.]

[Welcome user Al. As the a player, you can choose random grade zero beast as initial pet. You can browse it manually or use smart engine to help you choose the suitable pet.]

"Please explain about smart engine."

[Smart Engine will help new player to filter the grade zero beast per element and their class. For example player can search ice attribute of Felix Class. The result will be ranged from sabertooth tiger, ice cat, and other.]

"Hm, what should I choose? Oh right, because I get this lecher ability, why not choose based on it? Search based on dark element."

The hundred or so list appeared in front of him.

Phantom Cat? No!

Ape Ghoul? No!


"Huh?! that is! I want this Shadow Phantom!"

[Good. Shadow Phantom will be added to your pet list. As per your registration, you will be transferred to Olga Village, the subsidiary village of Flan Sanctuary.]

Inside Elena cabin, Elena chose water elemental beast, white snake. She also transferred to the Olga village as per agreement.

The game appearance was like another world for her. Everything seems real. She could feel what she touch, she also could smell the air. Very marvelous experience. But she quickly snapped her mind and began to search her master trace.

Not long after, Elena successfully found Albert in front of beast tamer guild.

"Oh, Elena really efficient as always. You quickly find me in this huge village." Albert said with smile.

"Em. Thanks, young master. By the way, what is this building?" Elena asked curiously.

Albert pointed the plaque on the left. After looking at the plaque, finally she knew what it was.

"You should know that when we log in in the first time, we get a free pet, right? And this place was the right place to inquire about our pet." Albert explained his purpose.

Elena nodded respectfully and followed Albert went inside.

"Excuse me, miss. I'm new member here. I and my companion want to retrieve our first pet." Albert said to the young receptionist. After experiencing several days at the earth, Albert knew about receptionist as well.

"En, please follow me. I need to confirm your identity first." Miss receptionist replied.

Following her to the room behind the receptionist counter. Inside the room, a cube crystal floating in the middle of room. For normal people like Elena, that phenomenon like a wonder, but for Albert, it was just child play.

The Miss receptionist walked to the cube crystal side and said, "My name is Jenny Royce. This cube will produce actual identity for two of you. With that, I can put the pet that you already chose before. The female first."

Elena walked to the center.

"Please put your palm on the cube." Miss Jenny instructed Elena.

Elena nodded and placed her palm there. Nothing extraordinary happened. But suddenly a holographic letter appeared in front of the cube.

[Name: Eleonora

Title: None

Level: 0 | EXP: 0/1000

Basic Stats:

Strength: 4

Agility: 4

Intelligent: 5

Vitality: 3

Skill(s) 0/10: None


1. White Snake
