The First Hunt And The Salute

Miss Jenny just nodded and retrieved a small blue color cube. Then she handed it to Elena.

A pop-up message appeared in front of Elena after she touched the cube.

[A free grade zero beast automatically contracted by the user per registration data input.]

A small white snake suddenly appeared on Elena right arm. The snake coiled on her right arm. The snake was beautiful and flawless white. The snake eyes were slightly gray and the snake has one meter long. The snake lazily rested on her arm.

Then this time was Albert turn. He put his palm on the cube and his information appeared.

[Name: Al

Title: None

Level: 0 | EXP: 0/1000

Basic Stats:

Strength: 8

Agility: 5

Intelligent: 20

Vitality: 10

Skill(s) 0/10: None


1. Phantom Shadow


Miss Jenny nodded and then retrieved his Phantom Shadow. After he received it, the real appearance of phantom shadow appeared. The Phantom Shadow has another name, land octopus. This Phantom Shadow didn't have any eyes or ears. It just has several tentacles and the body. To 'see and hear' surrounding, Phantom Shadow has a special organ that allowed it to feel the surrounding presence.

Albert nodded and immediately received Phantom Shadow data.

[Name: Phantom Shadow

Element: Dark

Level: 0 | EXP: 0/5000

Mana Pools: 40/40

Strength: 4

Agility: 1

Intelligent: 20

Vitality: 12


- Shadow Merger

- Fragmentation

- Shadow Tentacles


- Shadow Merger was a skill that allowed the beast to merger its body with the owner shadow. No Mana required.

- Fragmentation was a skill that made the beast could cut its body part and regrow it completely. Could only be used once every day. After using this skill, the beast would be dormant for 3 days. 10 Mana required.

- Shadow Tentacle was a skill that allowed the beast that has already merged with the owner shadow to unleash unlimited shadow tentacles from the owner shadow. The skill would be stronger when the beast used it in the dark or less sun ray environment. 20 Mana required.

The last skill was the ultimate skill he wants. Because of the Evil God influence, Albert became more and more pervert yet still maintain his another good nature and conscience. After went back to his room, he accidentally opened previous owner treasure vault. Several Island Adult Video inside the PC SSD. And the 3D animation about tentacle hentai gave him great interest. With Phantom Shadow he has, he could use it as a powerful weapon to conquer beautiful woman!

"Master, you in a daze again," Elena said and swing his arm.

"Ah sorry. In front of my Elena, I cannot control my mind anymore." Albert immediately shifted that topic with his killing move.

Elena instantly blushed and smiled shyly. Albert could not help to admire her adorable side. But strangely, his lust didn't flare up again until now.

'Or, I eat her now?' he pondered.

"Ahem... If you two want to lovey-dovey, please book a room. Don't make a love scene here." Miss Jenny suddenly said and broke their passion. Miss Jenny voice was like cold water poured on their head.

Albert could only scratch his head, and Elena lowered her head and blushed because of embarrassment. Before they get out from the beast tamer guild, Albert asked about basic life here.

Immediately Miss Jenny resumed her professional demeanor. She explained that everyone could create a party with everyone, including native (NPC). As long as the other member wanna-be agreed, the party could be established. The Party member was unlimited. But a huge party would be led inefficient of EXP distribution. Another cooperation shape also available. The squad, Mercenary, and Guild were available after the player reached level 11. Everything was very real, so no space bag or legendary space ring available. The player needed to use their strength and wit to tackle this issue.

Almost status from the real world was also available in the game. The player would felt hunger, angry, sad, headache, and no pain limiter available. For several cases, Willpower also useful here. Beside the status, cooking, alchemy, Butcher, and another lifestyle occupation also available and almost exactly same as reality.

EXP work also slightly different from the ancient game. EXP amount will differ for each player. Ever EXP would be based on the effort, wits, and killing point. And only killing beast would give player EXP(s). The pet EXP was determined by the beast core player to feed it. But the beast could only consume +4 level from the pet level. If the player feeds their pet with the beast core with five or more level different, the pet would die.

The last thing, everyone could get another pet after successfully entered level 11, 21, 31 and so on.

Albert immediately dragged Elena to the village gate. Based on Miss Jenny explanation. The officer on the gate would give the beginner a free weapon and supply until they successfully level up to level 1. The party also could only be created from there and via party scroll.

"Oh, newborn chicken appear again, huh." The officer there just threw a big bag for everyone.

Albert just ignored the remark and immediately demanded his and Elena supply. He got one ironwood stick, two health restoration vials, and one Mana restoration vial. Not so bad. At least, the game not so heartless like the real divine continent. Elena also got the same weapon and supply as Albert.

Albert obviously knew about the iron wood. This wood hardness was on par with earth steel. When he was still young in his previous life, he used it as the main weapon because of lack of metal. Although the stick was lack of sharpness, it was still enough to accompany him to the peripheral forest.

"Let's hunt now. I also will train you with actual close combat. It will help you enjoy this game." Albert said to Elena with a kind smile.

Elena smiled and nodded. Albert and Elena walked slowly and enjoy the surrounding. After the transpassed the village gate, what they saw was a beautiful green forest with very huge trees everywhere. Albert just nodded with the similarity, and Elena admired the sight.

Suddenly, Albert instinct told him that something watched them. Albert gestured Elena to stay calm and told her about the spy. Elena nodded and gripped her ironwood stick. She really nervous and the realistic sight made her regard this game as reality. Besides, the pain was something real, right?

As for Albert, he has already prepared several movements to tackle the enemy. After walking for fifteen minutes, and finally, the enemy showed itself. It was a bunny, the Red Eye Bunny. It was grade 1 beast and always 'angry'. Albert slowly walked to Elena front and protected her from Red Eye Bunny fast assault.

"That is Red Eyes Bunny. That bunny is... ops!" While Albert explained about the Red Eye Bunny, the bunny suddenly jumped straight to him with fast speed.

Let Author described the Red Eyes Bunny appearance. The bunny has the same shape with the bunny at earth. The different is, the bunny has two sharp fangs and its eyes glow menacing red. And the bunny body is big as an adult fat beer belly human.

Albert not panicked at all. He calmly pushed Elena aside and he dodged slightly. With Albert mental state, he could calculate the bunny landing time and the position. Before the bunny landed, Albert has already run quickly behind the bunny and when the bunny almost landed on the ground, Albert used all his might to hack one of the bunny legs.

Bugh! Crack!

Albert faintly heard the bone crack sound. His plan was successful. When the bunny lost one of its legs, almost all bunny movement would be rendered useless.

As Albert prediction, Red Eye Bunny became unbalance and looked fragile. Without mercy, Albert hacked the bunny head again and again until the bunny dead.

[Congratulation, your party successfully slew Grade 1 Red Eyes Bunny. Al gets 5 EXP points and Elena gets 3 points.]

[As a beginner that successfully slew the beast without any injury, Player Al gets an additional bonus, +3 EXP points, and +1 Agility.]

Albert received the notification as party leader. As for Elena, she only knew that she got 3 EXP points.

Albert acted swiftly and dragged the bunny corpse to the village gate together with Elena. Watching Elene dragged the corpse with her full strength until her face flushed red, Albert heart slightly hurt. If he was a lot stronger than current him, he would do it by himself. How could he make her bear hardship?

Obviously, Albert has carried away by his previous self. In his previous life, a single woman was a very precious asset. With the woman, the human could produce the next generation and continued their work to defend humanity. Because of that, he really could not bear watch Elena dragged the corpse.

Of course, it was just a game. But the feeling of the home, made Albert influenced greatly.

"Elena, just pass the corpse to me alone. How can I let you help me drag this heavy corpse?" Albert said to Elena with his bitter smile.

"But Master, I'm your servant. How could I, the servant, let master drag the filthy corpse alone?" Elena retorted.

Albert was instantly silent. He didn't have any reason to refute her. In the end, he let her dragged the corpse together with him to the village gate.

The gate guardian only watched them dragged the Red Eyes Bunny into the village without any intention to stop them for inspection. For the gate guardian, one beast fall, one danger lessened. He nodded and gave them a military salute. In several days, he watched many new refuged that very proud and conceited ended up inside the beast's belly. As per current five saints command, the new human from another world called refuge would appear randomly on the villages and cities. The native would provide them with minimum support.

On the first day, the refuge, the player, came with great spirit and arrogance. Without hearing his advice, they blatantly entered the forest. For that reason, he despised the empty drum refuge. But he really admired the refuge that has one of two real skill like Albert and Elena. A salute from him was enough to show that he respected them.