Dinner was great, once done Ayanna pulled Ijey to her room and said I still have to tell you what happened after I left China for Nigeria and what I came back to China to do, yes let's go let me get some biscuits and soft drink, the cook has gone she will return tomorrow with her things.

My grand father still doesn't know am in the country Ayanna said how are you sure? you known that man always knows this things Ijey said, well I know he doesn't don't ask me how yet by the time I tell you everything I know about all will be clear. she then proceeded to tell her how she woke up first in the incarnation of great mother Idia and how all her power and knowledge was passed to her and what is expected of her as a Royal, she was to be wed to the Prince in the west to foster peace and strengthen the two kingdom Ayanna was not sure if she was even willing to do it, but she still had time but first mission is to rescue her mother.

Ijey do you have any information about my mother, has she left the house? Ayanna asked, 'Hmmm Ayanna I have no information on her I think she is still being locked up in that mansion eh!

we need to gradually plan a way to take her out of their clutches but first thing first. I want us to set up our computer centre here, then at a very good site we set up a gaming centre but before we go to bed tonight we will take a drive to my father's residence Ayanna told Ijey, why do we need to go there? I taught you don't want them to know you are around yet? Ijey asked, ah yes! I don't want them to but they won't know, remember I told you I can do things right? special things that I can do you remember? Ayanna asked the staring Ijey well yes then Ayanna surprised her and spoke directly into her mind, I will go close to father's house then try and sense her.

Hey! Ijey said did you just enter my taught? she asked looking flustered.

That is just a little of what I can do Ayanna replied. Ijey once its 9.15pm we will leave for fathers place. I want to finish what am doing on this laptop.

Few minutes later they both dressed into casuals of jeans and tops with face caps, and the headed for the garage, boss should I come along? Ken asked, yes you should come too Ayanna replied.

They all left for the mansion of Mr Jeff Mo and parked some metres away then Ayanna said to them please all of you should sit in the car I will step out but if anyone approaches tug at my arm immediately understand she asked, yes boss Ken replied, OK babes be careful Ijey answered too.

Then Ayanna spreading out her arms and legs apart balancing her stance she started pushing her magic to sense for any danger except for the guards on duty, she then retrieve her magic and then started hunting for her mum telepathically once she senses someone she listens to their taught to see if it could be her mums.

Firstly, she encountered the guards taught one thinking about his last bout with the wench he laid the day before, she moved on she read the taught of the woman who was likely her fathers second wife, thinking of telling one Mrs Sheng that the jewelry Mrs Li was wearing was an imitation... she dropped that and moved on then waited to pick up her mothers chain of taught.

Just when Ayanna was thinking that perhaps her mum was sleeping or wasn't in the house she heard her very faint so that Ayanna moved more into the house to hear better she then heard her again "how long will I hold on"? I miss him dearly its driving me crazy, Elenna taught and Ayanna responded to her mind question " soon mother please hold on, I will definitely save you I promise "

Who is this? is that really my daughter Ayanna or am I finally loosing my mind? Elenna asked? looking all around

No mother its really me, don't look around am outside the house, please tell me what part of the house are you locked in? I will come save you soon but you need to be strong mum .

Elenna who was tearing up couldn't believe her ears but she still answered am in the basement. Hey baby! don't come alone your grand father has lost it I won't be happy if he locks you up too.

I will mother am not alone father sent me with great friends to assist, stay strong I will come back to let you know when we will cone and remove you from here be strong mother I love you Ayanna replied.

Then she disconnected, and sat back in the car exhausted.