chapter 17 HELP!...PLEASE HELP ME!

That done, they headed home to catch some sleep.

Elenna was feeling so renewed and joyful her own daughter was coming, wow! if not for anything she was able to get the freedom, power and love of her husband's people, that alone was enough for her. The room where she was kept had a no window, but a single student bed a pot for water and not a single device.

There were no television, or computers not a single electronic yes! she was living in her fathers house but she was worst than a criminal, the father for which she didn't follow her love, her husband, her king and the father of her children, that father so heartlessly locked her up just because she refused to marry a man of his choice. now she was done caring once her daughter came for her, she will leave this place and never look back.

These were the taught running in the mind of Elenna. She kept dreaming of uniting with her husband.

Please tell us is she okay? Ijey asked Ayanna, get me a cup of tea she asked from the housekeeper Miss Hillary once they all had tea she then walked over and then sat down and narrated her conversation with her mother, she is doing just fine, but she is kept down in the basement. A painful look passed over Ayanna I will definitely get her away from that prison and send her to my father. I have had enough of this I will deal with my supposed step mother and her daughter then grand father soon he won't even be concerned when she goes missing for I will keep him so busy running around that he would be lost as to what hit him. seriously we need to set up a secure computer room with some bad*ss equipment that I have arranged with my contact once delivered we will set it up for the things we want to do.

Tomorrow will be a busy day for all of us let's go and catch some needed sleep. They all stood up and left for their rooms.

Ijey couldn't go to her own place since it was so late so she crashed in Ayanna place like they used to do in their college days.

If they but knew that for Ayanna activating her magic tonight had already unleased all the full powers she inherited from mother Idia full blast, by using she had activated the full blast of her mission. All her magic was active hundred percent.

Not long after they all went to bed and dozed off. From far away Ayanna heard someone calling out to her help! help me...the more she tried to get close the more the voice moved further away and if she stop the voice will be very loud "Please help me... so Ayanna struggled and pursue the voice for it sounded so pained and scared finally she followed it to a house in a quiet Government residential area and into the the house lying on the ground hands and legs bond was a young girl not more than sixteen or seventeen years old half naked and surrounded by three guys obviously drunk staring and laughing at the girl in a disgusting way. Hey girl! you asked for my help? she spoke to her the girl but the girl couldn't see her and taught she was loosing her mind from the pain coming from the kicks she already received from the guys, You can't see me but hang in there I will come save you OK? she reassured the girl the girl nodded.

Going over to the men that were obviously laughing and staring at the girl thinking who will go first, she decided to keep them distracted pending when she finds help, she then spoke to two of the men "hey do you hear that? the police is coming can't you hear, Li Shem called them to put you in trouble to get back at you for the other day" what you? they both turn on Li Shem you fool did you call the police so while they argued back and forth Ayanna left them and woke up then she called them to get dressed fast we have a rescue to carry out she announced.

She then proceeded to get dress and called Ken her assistant and Hillary even Ijey woke up from all the noise what happened Ayanna? we need to go now I will explain on the way lets go in the black Jeep Ken you drive and she called the address for him, but get ready Ken and Hillary this Mission is mostly going to be handled by you too, Hillary was very excited this was going to be fun.

while they drove down she told them about the girl who was about to be raped and what she had done to stall them.