chapter 33 THE GHOST (4)

Father, mother's let's continue this another day we need to rest now say bye to each other Ayanna said to her parents.

No byes Ayanna, but see you soon everyone laughed my queen you know left to me we keep talking but our daughter is right, both of you need to rest so you can be returned back to the mansion without any incident and always know that I love you now and my seven life times, no one else but you and I miss you like crazy but all in good time ...Prince Martin said to his wife

And I love you too no one else, only you, see you soon Elenna responded. They then blew each other kisses from the screen

Good night Dad Ayanna finished.

They went to bed, since Mrs Elenna was around Ijey slept in one of the guest rooms while Ayanna and her mother slept in Ayannas room.

Around five thirty everyone woke up and freshened up time to return Mrs Elenna back to her room. They moved out as before. Ayanna and Hillary stared at each other the ghost wasn't there what a relief ghosts has a special aura that radiation from them thereby giving you a feeling that your head is expanding in size, not a good feeling at all.

They got to the mansion, while Ijey studied the room Hillary Zapped them in and Ayanna took the clone in her native ancient bead, Elenna asked her to leave the camera in case of any occurrence they would be able to have a record.

After a very tight hug Hillary zapped Ayanna out back and they left immediately for the residents has started steering for the activities of a new day.

They got home safe and no ghost so sighing in relief Ayanna went back to bed since it was still a bit early. She still remembered that the ghost will be coming that morning to tell her tale and explain how she was going to help it, but before all of that she wanted to get a bit of shut eye.

The whole house went back to peace and quiet only Ijey and Mrs Ira Lutra were up.

Ijey was doing her yoga exercise while Mrs Ira was already preparing the morning breakfast the aroma of the special tea was already permeating the air.

Not long after Ayanna, Hillary and Ken went out for morning work out from their high rising estate they jogged to the slum area where Ayanna saw this two brothers, she is always seeing them there and they are not supposed to be there but both of them have been jinxed each time she comes jogging this way she has always wondered how she can heal them without incurring the drop fate which means anyone who helps them looses or drops in power.

This means as you give them money or any form of assistance you loose something important to you, so in other to help them your bare hands should not touch what ever you want to give directly it has to be done with wisdom and discreetly.

What to do? they are young men with potentials how can she help them without loosing power or any of her gifts.

Come to think of it, who did this to them?? how did they become like this? she went to where they were sitting and introduced herself hi my name is Ayanna, are you twin brothers? you kinda look alike its uncanny.... seeing that Ayanna stopped and was talking to the guys Ken and Hillary also stopped.

Hello miss we are truly twins our names are Philip and Philemon, am Philemon and he is Philips...we are orphans, we are both seventeen years this is the only place we come without being chased away, everywhere we go bad luck and hard luck seem to follow us, the worst is most people that extend a hand of help always end up being jinxed themselves, they used to be very rich since their father owned of the best automobile mechanic work shop in the capital but he offended a woman who was taught to be a witch who came to make a request from our father that he can not give, this woman promised my father he will loose everything then she blew a white powder like substance into the air and since then.. .....the twins spewed out their pain and finally trailed to a stop.

I want to help you, given me some minutes to think about this.

Walking to Ken and Hillary who were silently watching their conversation guys what do we do for them, one, we can't directly give them anything.....Let's port them somewhere first then we can get a neutralizer to clear the spell then anyone can give them things, that's like cutting the problem from the root.

It's already day light we can't port them without people seeing they should just follow Ken to the garage while Hillary and I jog back home and inform Mrs Ira Lutra on what to do.

Going back to the twins she told them the plan so we have to first remove the enchantment you guys inhaled along with your parents that are jinxing you then we can provide you with the help you need to go back to your business.

Just like that the twins followed Ken and Hillary and Ayanna jogged back but on getting to the gate they met the now angry ghost.