chapter 34 THE GHOST STORY (1)

They stopped in their tracks! what the f***k.... the whole environment dropped in temperature, it was obvious the ghost was stupendously angry but why???....hey! whats up with you? why are you so upset? please calm down, Hillary inquired.

Are you trying to ditch me right now? I took me long to find people that can actually see me and you want to abandon me but why? I really need your help you know, the ghost replied it was angry thinking that Ayanna and her friend didn't want to help her because they took on another case, the case of the twins.

When she had arrived this morning she didn't meet anyone of them and she couldn't sense then either so, she started searching by the time she will find them she heard Ayanna telling Ken to take the twins to the garage while they came home to search for a remedy so she took on another's than to help her? that's it

Please calm down Ayanna pleaded I am already in your case right we are starting yours this morning, their case needed wisdom and her people can do it with or without her so relax she explained to the ghost before the chilly air started decreasing.

Come! meet me in the sitting room let's discuss your case and see the best way to help you, I will love to go take a bath now meet you there, in there I won't take long.

I will be waiting for you first then and the ghost left them. once they got into the house the ghost was sitting in one of the couch but they said nothing to it then Ayanna called the cook and told her the herbs to gather and cook and make a drink for two and then she went to her room to wash off the sweat.

Not long, Ken came in too, after making the twins comfortable in the garage and headed to his own room.

The cook understood immediately that the herbs she needed were to break a dangerous spell before she started she arranged everything she needed first even to the cups that the drink will be taken then stepping into her room she fortified herself because if there is any rebound that will be dangerous for herself and this household.

All done she went back to the kitchen to cook the herbal tea.

After Ayanna was refreshed she sent for Ken, she then informed him of the situation in case they saw her talking and couldn't see anyone for now only Hillary and herself can see the ghost but once she knows her story she can then call for a meeting on how to help her.

Wow! so there is a ghost in the living room? this is new he said and exciting. I will inform the rest then. Hey wait once Ma Ira serves the twins the spell breaker it will take a while but for them to leave get three loaves of bread go to the safe put in two million dollars in the breads and hand it to them explain it to them to only touch the money after they have taken the herbs and vomited twice it means they are then free. Ken make sure they have take away food too He then left to inform the rest.


Ayanna and Hillary then joined the ghost in the sitting room, sorry for keeping you waiting please, i would have offered you tea but ... don't worry about that am still roaming because two lives are at stake. We are listening Ayanna responded.

My name is Analucia Roberts am from city N but grew up with my family here in city B, I have a sister and we were both staying with our mother seeing as our father has died long ago, both of us are married though we aren't rich we are hustlers, my sister Bridgette has always been street smart she married her heartthrobs James Wu who worked in a shoe making company as the manager the money wasn't bad but they were not rich but they were happy and we were happy too. My sisters husband loved her so much that he allowed her do and get anything she wanted as long as they could afford it.

Then a few months ago I met the most handsome and generous of all men Mu Yuchen he swept me off my feet he was doing ok but when I married him it seems his wealth doubled everything he put his hands in prospered when he bought me a car I went home to celebrate and invited my sister over to my mothers house, when my sister saw the car she wasn't happy I was shocked everyone too she couldn't hid it that she wasn't happy for me and that was a first, we have always loved each other what changed? Do you know who killed me? sister did.