Kayode the owner and designer for KayKay fashion house led the Prince to the inner part of the show room to see what he had made.

How have you been Kayode? as usual you are yet to come see me for over four months now, and you call yourself my friend, this your behavior isn't right, when was the last time we saw? ah! yes when I came to get the clothes I used for that all African business conference in South Africa.

Am good my Prince its just business we are still hustling to keep body and soul together, actually I had to go home to see my parents they have been complaining like you.

They all laughed, as they finally got to the show room, this fashion house was huge.

Please seat Kayode told the Prince as he signaled one of his people to wheel in the royal clothes.

There were gasps as the clothes were wheeled in by everyone around.

First of all the colour was eye catching as it was a royal blue colour designed with gold. The material was of the finest texture and it shimmered as it caught the light just by glancing at it you will know its expensive.

The male clothes were up and down but the trouser legs were designed with the gold weave the top neck was also weave and on the chest area the weave was so beautifully intricately woven then lightly on the arms.

The royal blue material was used to make an armless gown, then the gold was woven into it at all the right places, the gold was also used to weave a pattern like belt on it like that of queen Cleopatra of Egypt it was gorgeous and the Prince was impress by it.

Wow! Kay you have finally finished design here, am impressed.

Thank you my Prince but please can I ask you a question?

Yeah go ahead!

Please don't be offended but if you don't like it don't answer,..... is it for Miss Mendez? I mean that your college friend Miss Karti?.... Kayode trialed off.

I know who you are talking about, but why would you even think like that?

Well she made us understand that she is your woman.

Have you ever seen me with her in a compromising position? or did I ever tell you guys that we were dating? is relationships a one sided thing am not even interested in her in that way. I wonder why she thinks that way, she has never once told me she had feelings for me. Anyway to clear your curiosity she isn't but you will meet my girl soon because I will be bringing her here so you can make more dresses for us.

Wrap it up I have a call make, the Prince said and walked to the car to call his father. The man had been hounding him with calls which he had been ignoring since the Ahmed Musuyani incident, he doesn't want to be disturb while on his date with the Princess so he decided to call his old man.

His father picked up on the second ring as he was busy reading some papers but since the caller persisted he took a look and picked once he saw it was the Prince, Ade omo mi, he called out on pick up.

Hello father! Prince Ade Ade greeted his father.

Why did you take so long to reach out to us? knowing how curious we were of your involvement with that rascal Ahmed Musuyani, hope all this didn't affect you directly?

Father you know he was gunning for me but he never saw his downfall coming, do you know that woman that was kidnapped by him? you saw her on television right on Chanel Universal? she is the Princess I told you about we've been dating for some time now so he taught she was just a fine face and sent his men to kidnap her to blackmail me into dropping the oil well contract.

He then went ahead to explain everything to his father.

She sounds so awesome please give me her name again let me ask Orumila if she was the one Prophesied about, so we can prepare to storm Benin.

Father, the time has come, tell mother to prepare her gele, she has long stolen my heart what else do you want to hear dad she is my better half and I intend to propose to her today consult if you want to but even the gods will bless this union I have made up my mind about her father.

Just to be sure I will send for baba Onifa immediately and get back to you in about two hours can you at least give me that?

Why not dad our date is for 8pm that's about three hours so I will get your call before I go pick her up.

Son keep to your arrangement I have a positive feeling about her already.

Thanks dad she is even more awesome in person.

Then the call was dropped after saying their pleasant good bye's.

The Prince called the jeweler that he had requested a gold necklace and ear rings with matching brackets for him and the Princess to deliver it at his office.

Now once the jewelry is delivered he will send everything to Ayannas condominium.

At six thirty p.m the door bell rang and the Prince's gifts in several boxes came all wrapped up and was received by Mr Ira Lutra as Ayanna was still sleeping in her room as per Prince Ade Ade's instructions to say the truth she actually needed that sleep after all the dangerous situation she just finished passing through, the poor girl must be exhausted.

I can't wait to see what the Prince sent for their date but I will have to wait for the Princess to wake up at 7pm.

Everyone was already home and on learning the Prince sent so many gifts for Ayanna they were all curious so they all waited for her to wake up, even Ken joined them too in the waiting game, soon they started pushing and and urging Mrs Ira Lutra to go wake up Ayanna before it was time, it seems they were all dying from curiosity.

Once it was seven they practically pushed Mrs Ira Lutra to go wake her up.

Mrs Ira Lutra woke Ayanna and told her it was time for her to prepare for her date with the Prince.

However, Ijey entered her room to tell her there were so many gifts waiting for her and before she could even finish Ken and and Hilary carried them into her room.

Oh! wow! what's the occasion? she asked thinking they were the ones that bought it.

Oh! this is not our hand work but the hand work of your very handsome and dominating Prince and we are just here to see what he has sent for you, Ijey explained with all of them nodding their heads like agama lizard. Do you see the labels they are from the best designer for African wears and the jewels emporium they sell the most exquisite and humongously expensive jewelries.

Okay, I know you won't leave my room till I open them Ayanna said resignedly and picked the first box and it was the jewel box, once she undid the bows and tore the wrapping away to reveal a carved wood red box opening the box got all of them inhaling sharply.


@Yaayi! thank you everyone for following me all this while I don't know if you noticed but I have reached my first hundred chapters. Hope you continue the journey with me though I have no interest in making this book too long.
