All the gifts were all stunning and pretty expensive but why not? they were the best of the best, it was obvious the Prince only wanted the best for his Princess.

The necklace was majorly gold but was designed with light blue diamonds, it had the shape of flowers woven together and the last strand dropping into the breast ridge of the person wearing it, yes it will be the perfect accessory for the armless dress he got for her, the earrings were like flowers dangling from the ears complimenting the beautiful face. Then there was the arm bangle also woven like flowers, it was simply beautiful.

There was a gold purse and shoe also in their own boxes, they were from VINCE store, my God! Ijey exclaimed, they pair the best accessories and were the very best in what they do, this five inches gold shoe and purse was made of some kind of animal skin its so beautiful.

The most outstanding of all the gifts was the dress once it was unwrapped and it left everyone's jaw dropping to the ground, even Mrs Ira was impressed by it, its a Princess robe, like the one you see the English queens of old wear yet it looks African who was the talent that created this? its exquisite! Hillary excitedly said, which got everyone nodding. I can't wait to see Ayanna in this dress Mrs Ira said.

Ayanna your man has flawless taste, I give him that! Ijey announced. Its very soft to the touch too such special material I can't place what it is she sighed.

All their eyes were glued to the dress with so much admiration.

This is one of Kaykay fashion house production. This one dress is exclusively yours am sure he won't make exactly this for anyone else, men! am sure the price will be in six figures.

Oh men! where is the Prince taking you? any idea? Ijey asked.

No idea, Ayanna responded but I have to freshen up and dress up he would soon be here to pick me up for our date. I don't want to keep him waiting and she dashed into the bathroom.

By the time she finished and came out of the bathroom everyone had left except for Ijey.

Good! you are here you will help me in styling my hair, she said to Ijey.

Okay! Ijey responded smiling.


The Prince had been subconsciously waiting for his fathers call even when he continued with his work on the laptop, in his inner heart he wanted the news to be positive Ayanna met all the criteria he had been told of who his future wife was going to be and because of that he was sent to study abroad.

Yet he marvelled at the casual way she entered his life, they had met at the eatery, that day at the eatery in the mall when she had walked in majestically catching every ones attention yet not even noticing it, she was in a simple dress but one will know just by looking at her and the confident aura she exuded that she was special, those slender long legs and hair cascading to cover part of her beautiful face, he couldn't tear his eyes off her and he had been pulled till he went over to make her acquaintance.

Their relationship has been growing gradually since that day and when she finally let him into her secret powers he had confirmed that she was made for him but he wasn't sure if she will accept him so he wanted to propose to her today that's why he had been trying to finish all his pressing work so she can have his full attention.

Now that her father was looking into her he was hoping the ancestors would accept her or their would be trouble for he has no intention of letting Ayanna go, she even stuck out her neck to protect him from danger, she can take care of herself yet he wanted to protect her, she had everything except for love and he wanted to give her all the love and complete her life, he was hoping she will be ready to stand by him as their two kingdoms were not friendly for a long time due to some rumours in the past that was not cleared and both of them has lost a lot in the process. For him there is nothing like peace and he hopes that they can help their kingdom's forge peace.

What will he do if she decides not to be with him? the Prince can not allow himself to even think about it, she calms him in an unexplainably way she makes him feel he can achieve anything oh please God let my people accept our love he subconsciously prayed for someone who always got what he wanted by just taking it, but for what he wanted this time he new he needed the blessings of the gods, so he finally prayed after such a long time.

The phone rang and he stared at it dreading to pick it up, but he knows he must pick it and hear what news his father had for him good or bad, yet he couldn't pick it up so it stopped ringing and he breathed a sigh of relief only for it to start ringing again and it was his father his majesty king Adeleye Adeyeye, so he picked it up.

Omo mi (my son) you have finally made me proud he announced.

Hello father! The Prince greeted relieved his father sounded happily excited.

Why do you sound so gloomy, be happy baba Onifa is here and he has good news she is the one, the prophecy has started, son! you found the one whom the gods spoke about those many decades ago.

So father, she is the one? the Prince asked feeling a warm feeling creeping into his heart at the joyful news.

Beni (yes) she is o! hurry up and propose to her and bring her home fast I and the elders will start making preparation on the best way to approach the people of Benin, ha! this will make headlines you know? do you even know how long this nonsensical feud has been on? go ahead and convince her to marry you while we prepare over here.

Yes father, I will do my best, she means everything to me father you don't know how much, the Prince couldn't hide his joy that his people accepted the Princess.

Good let me know how the proposal goes and son get it right, I gave birth to you and I know what you can do spare no expenses she is very important to the kingdom, the King said to his son.

Father you know she doesn't need wealth for she has that, I can only win her with my love and devotion I hope she is willing to walk with me.

Put your heart to it son, I want to hear good news call me with good news okay?

Okay father, I will and bye for now.

After dropping the call, the Prince felt like he was flying checking the time it was seven thirty time to go pick up his wiffy so he called Arjun on the phone to know if all was set in the five star restaurant he had picked for this date and Arjun confirmed it and some of their men were already there awaiting there arrival.

The Prince quickly prepares himself and took his limited edition car and his body guards followed in two other cars as they headed to Princess Ayanna's place.


@please I will really appreciate your taughts as you put down your comments, thank you!
