Mr. Yang finished his meal by which time he has read every version of the news he could find on the internet about the couple, they had the makings of a power couple, he was a powerful man and the woman wasn't simple at all, in both their personal company's they were fierce, however, the two of them combined were a strong power.

He paid the bills and signaled his driver to get ready to go, soon they set off for Mega Royal Group complex for his meeting with the Prince, and to think he was a real-life Prince, his father was presently seated on the throne, the son is the President of the several top-notch groups of companies in the world.

His Majesty King Adeyeye the first was one of the strongest if not the strongest monarch in the west, he was known for his interest in acquiring knowledge, he was an extensively learned man who also opened up doors for his citizens to study to whatever level they wanted, all his children were vastly read and are all doing well in varies fields, the Prince is one of them.

The crown prince, Prince Ade square or Ade Ade as he was fondly called was the second child but the first son of the king and he also has a younger sister and a younger brother, all from same mother the Queen Olori Aduke Adeyeye.

The king has only one wife, he never agreed to marry again for he genuinely loved his wife and the western education he received helped him to argue his case.

Firstly they wanted him to marry again to be able to produce many children.

Did he want to know why? what is the need for so many children when one or two were just fine, as long as there was an heir?

He made them understand that as the king apart from his biological children all children were his, what is the need to have so many at the end some will feel neglected and start becoming unfilial?. Have one or two and give them the very best of your love and care and when you grow old they will do the same for you.

They then said the wanted him to have so many wives to show his power or affluence.

He told them that anyone that wanted to test his power and influence can try.

There were even those willing to gift him their beautiful maidens.

The king will have none of it.

In the end, the Queen was rumored to have bewitched the King, for him to be enamored by her like that.

Some of these women even accused her being stingy, for not allowing them to have a share of the king.

The king and his family were very tight and happy and since there was fertile ground for educational pursuit, the kingdom thrived and prospered.

His royal majesty King Adeyeye the first was a lover of agriculture and he dedicated a very vast plantation land to his favorite cocoa seed, hectares upon hectares of land was his cocoa plantation, he was one of the biggest cocoa farmers in the entire continent of Africa.

To say that the Monarch was a wise man is an understatement, he came into government at a very young age, though he never grew up in the palace, when he was born his own father sent his mother to one of his estates because he wanted to marry another woman, he was not a patient man, even though he loved his wife he had a weakness for the fair sexes and he amassed them like property.

His Majesty king Adedimeji Adeyeye, did not gain the throne and then succeeded immediately, he fought for his beliefs and he had the majority of his peoples support, he got it fully mostly after a decade of his rulership by this time those children that was picked off the streets and sent to good schools finished and got employed into the government and other industries some of them were so outstanding that they were employed by the countries they had gone to study and some just start off their own businesses soon they came home to pay homage and you can imagine how much they invested in their own state, they supported the Monarchs many projects and this was how the ruling king became one of the richest Kings you can find.

Mr. Yang was utterly blown away, he made up his mind after reading so many things about the CEO he was off to meet, the man was simply off the charts, to agree to whatever he wanted him to work with him on.

Apart from the fact that he was royalty, he was the President of PanAfrican group of companies and President of Mega Royal Group, amongst other things, doing business with them was definitely going to be a win, win situation on both side and if he got this right then maybe some more juicy contracts will follow.

This man was born of a great king and he himself was the king of the business industry with just a flick of his fingers he can erase him from the surface of the earth or make him bankrupt.

Now, Mr. Yang became apprehensive such a person reach out to him first? there were other bigger companies than his own so why him?

I really hope this meeting ends well, he encouraged himself.



They soon arrived at the front entrance of the huge building of MRG.

Arjun walked into the Prince's office and informed him that Mr. Yang had pulled up.

Take him to the meeting room, I will join you soon, Prince Ade Ade replied to him.

OK, boss! Arjun then turned and left to go usher the man to conference meeting room two, where the Presidents team were already seated, with all that was going to be used for the meeting.

At the entrance Mr Yang was welcomed by the employees of MRG and then was taken up in an elevator to the floor where conference room two was and asked to seat and a staff asked him how he liked his coffee and went off to get it while Arjun told him that he will go inform the president that he was around and seated.

Mr. Yang nodded his head, he was impressed at how well he was treated.

Is this how all clients are treated or is it just me?

Seeing his questioning eyes the secretary that was standing over to attend to any of his need asked if he needed anything.

Well, I wanted to know if this is how well everyone that comes here is treated or is it just me?

Sir, everyone that comes here is treated as a friend and potential business partner so we have a legacy to treat them well.

Wow! so nice! I will definitely adopt it he said shaking his head in wonder.

Then something crossed his mind....

Then how are those considered enemies treated? Mr. Yang asked him.

Sir you don't want to know, but he won't be here at all and the president have a special protocol for them, shaking as if he can see the gruesome way they will be treated he folded his arms around himself hugging himself tight.

The coffee arrived piping hot as requested by Mr. Yang.

Sir here is your coffee, he turned his head so fast to the voice that it will be a surprise if he didn't get whiplash. The idea of being tortured has flooded his mind by the description made by the secretary and he didn't want to experience it. He was so startled that he was offered tea instead of a beating, he collected the hot cup of coffee and said thank you while getting a grip on his racing heart.

@ please leave your comments below, will really appreciate it, been trying to improve my writing kindly let me know if you like the flow now.
