While Mr. Yang was wondering if he could demand a cup of water and cold at that for he suddenly found himself hot and breaking out in cold sweats.

In walked Prince Ade Ade with a blank expression on his face, bringing with him a cold air, even though the air conditioning system was working fine the degree in the room still dropped to all-time zero degrees making everyone present to shiver from it.

He sat directly opposite of where Mr. Yang was sitting.

Me. Yang who stood up when the Prince walked in slightly bowed his head in greeting.

Welcome to MRG Mr. Yang Jiangsu please seat down he said to him.

Thank you please, Mr. Yang said and took his seat again.

Arjun please go-ahead.

Yes, boss!

Then he signaled for the team to start the projector for the presentation which he handled very well.

There was a new business deal that they wanted him to invest in, this was MRG any company will give an arm and a leg to be a part of anything they were involved in as they have a ninety-nine point nine percent success rate in all they did, they made sure anything they were going to put their money on was properly researched and viable.

After the presentation by the team, Arjun asked Mr. Yang if he had any question about the proposition.

Mr. Yang taught for a while, the presentation was very detailed, and he couldn't fault it also it was a great concept but what was he to contribute to it and how will he earn?

After clearing his voice with a slight cough he piped up.

Permit me to say that, that was an awesomely packaged presentation and I couldn't find any error with it. The concept of the business is quite laudable too and I really like it, so my questions will be how do you want me to come in Mr. Ade?

I mean, I out of so many great firms was called by the almighty MRG what gives? how do I come to deserve such an opportunity?

Am not stupid sir, Mr. Yang addressed the Prince who was far his junior with respect.

I know there must be something you want from me, or you want me to do for you before I can get such a rare opportunity.

There are other far better and bigger companies with far more the needed capital and manpower to execute this deal why do you want me in it? don't get me wrong, I really love the opportunity.

Do you want to be part of this deal then, Mr. Yang? that's the most important thing to know first, the Prince suddenly spoke up.

It will be a great pleasure for me to be a part of this deal I can give anything to get in, Mr. Yang replied.

Good, then you shall get in.

Really? leaning over the mahogany desk without waiting for an answer he continued excitedly, so how much am I expected to bring into it, I mean it's a lot of capital but how will the ratio go?

MRG is putting is eighty-five percent while you will have to pay the balance of fifteen percent will that be fine with you?

Quickly calculating how much that will cost him he arrived at eight million dollars that's a lot but he will have to dispose of some of his assets to raise the cash. Raising up his head he asked the Prince if he could give two weeks to raise the needed capital from his own end.

There won't be a need for that, the Prince piped up, I need something from you, if you can give me that then you don't have to bring in any money and the fifteen percent is still yours.

Mr. Yang for stunned, did he hear well? I said it, he taught to himself they must need something from him.

Almost immediately he became worried that they might demand something he couldn't give and then he will lose out on such a lucrative deal.

Please tell me, Mr. President, what can you possibly need from a lowly businessman like me? surely you have everything you can ever require?....

Eyebrows tilting upward Prince Ade Ade replied him, it's something I want for my mother in law to be which is presently in your possession, give it to me and become my partner you will gain much more than what you have or will ever gain from E&M.

E&M? but am only a shareholder there?

Ah! yes, that is exactly what I want the shares, the Prince answered.

Looking for understanding, Mr. Yang then asked can you tell me why you want those shares? right now they are not even worth much, unlike in the past when CEO Elena managed it herself.

I want to buy it for her as a gift she wants to change her business plan and she wants to do it alone, so would you be selling?

What do I have to do? he asked the share were not even up to 5million dollars, so if all he had to do to get into this one was to handover the share of E&M then he will gladly do it.

Am ready! he announced.

Prince was pleased, this was all sorted out then he can face his marriage arrangements after the rescue his mother in law from her father.

Arjun indicated for the lawyers to step forward and handle the paperwork while they all waited in less than fifteen minutes they have finished drafting up the legal documents and passed it to both parties who read through and signed the dotted lines each happy with their transaction.

The Prince acquired the shares for his fiancee and Mr. Yang acquired a new business deal.

Standing up Prince Ade Ade shook Mr. Yang's hands and strode out of the conference room.

He was ecstatic he almost felt like running straight to his office to give Ayanna a call but he knows he has a reputation to maintain.

Arjun knew his boss was extremely happy with the outcome of the meeting and he was happy for him ever since his boss met the boss lady he has started smiling more often which was a none existence concept for him before now.

Mr. Yang was happy, he had just signed a major deal by making an exchange, this exchange was way ahead of his expectations he must have done something good in his past life to get this kind of huge blessing.

He stood up and Arjun and the team also stood up with him, this was the end of the meeting, his assistant picked up all their things as they turned to leave.

Thank you for coming in Mr. Yang Jiangsu it was a pleasure doing business with you.

Thanks to MRG for deeming me worthy Mr. Yang replied.

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