Little belly treasure

Everyone in the room thought it came too fast. But Anna and Chen Jun knew that one day, it would happen. Both of them didn't like to talk about their amazing nights to someone. Anna would blush and turned to a tomato as Chen Jun he would just keep those memories to himself. He was quite possessive.

Su Xiao looked at her granddaughter who was crying. "Aren't you supposed to smile right now? Why are you crying?"

Anna smiled through her tears of joy. She touched her belly sweetly. "A little belly treasure. My little baby treasure..."

Anna was deeply attached to kids. She always wanted to be a mother. She imagined her kid with light brown hair. Hopefully, he or she will have her greenish eyes but Chen Jun's smooth and white skin. She knew that if he was a boy, he will be as handsome as his father. If it's a girl, she will have her mother's attitude. In every way, the kid won't be bullied and will be able to defend himself since he had two amazing parents.

Chen Jun wiped his wife tears. "My life is filled with happiness since you came. Su Anna promise me that you'll never leave me."

The lovey-dovey acting was annoying Lu Xia. She was single almost all her life and now her best friend got married without even telling her who was her husband.

"Okay, you two. Your sweetness is burning my eyes so could you please stop. Respect the single people here."

The whole room laughed. Even though, everyone knew that Chen Jun and Anna loved each other, they still thought that they showed their love to much. It was like a shiny piece of gold that blinded you.

Anna sighed. "Fine, we'll stop and yes, Chen Jun, I promise that I won't leave you. How could I leave the most handsome man in the whole country?"

Anna looked at her husband. His face was just amazing, you can't stop staring at it. And let's not talk about his light brown hair. THEY ARE SO SOFT!! Since they met, Anna kept touching them with a satisfied smile.


Xia Mi waited at her hotel room for her father. She saw him left in an hurry for the hospital hours ago. Yet, she didn't why, she supposed it was for test or an normal check-up. But as he didn't come back, she went to the hospital.

The nurse told her that he was in the room 204. She wasn't surprised that it was a VIP room since her father wasn't poor at all. She was about to step in when she saw this smiling face. This girl's happy face killed her. She couldn't be happy, she stole her father away.

What shocked her the most wasn't that. Her eyes sparkled as she heard Chen Jun voice but they soon became dark as she heard what he said.

"My life is filled with happiness since you came, Su Anna promise me that you'll never leave me."

Xia Mi clenched her fists but remained quiet as she wanted to hear more. She heard Lu Xia's comment and hit the wall before leaving the hospital running. She satyed in the cold rain of September and screamed all her hate out.

She promised herself that she will crush Anna into piece and be the one carrying Chen Jun's baby soon. She will destroy all her happiness and will make her live a miserable life.