The Grandfather

Xia Mi went back the hotel soaking wet. She weakly opened the door to find her grandfather sitting on a chair. He didn't seem angry but sad.

Xia Mi sat on the bed and stayed quiet staring at her grandfather. She broke the silence when she was annoyed. "What bring you here, Grandfather?"

Xia Yu glanced at her and crossed his arm. "Where were you? We both know that you can't come late or you know the consequences."

"I was at the hospital. Father was there to, he was at the hospital for his stupid daughter. She's a thief."

Xia Yu raised one of his bushy eyebrow. Yet, his face didn't show any surprise. He was warned Tang Jin will take his daughter back. Even if it means to break his bond with the Xia family.

Xia Yu sighed and sar beside Xia Mi. Her light brown eyes were full of hatred. "You can't say that she is a thief. Even though you don't want to admit it, she carries the Xia and the Tang blood in her veins."

Xia Mi clenched her fist and even bit her lips who started to bleed. "And? From what I know nobody know that she even exists. That wife of yours is just a b*tch that refuse to admit that my mother is the best."

That was too much. Even though his wife dissapeared, she was still his wife. Xia Yu will never forget her green eyes and her blond hair that floated when ever there was some wind. Her smile as bright as the sun. No woman was as beautiful as her.

"Take that back, Xia Mi."

Xia Mi shook her head in disobedience. "This is the truth Grandfather even if you don't like it. My mother did what she needed to take her place."

Xia Yu's loom was dark. It always was when he was angry. Not only he was angry but he also lost his calm.

"No!! Your mother didn't have to lied, to cheat, to hit or even to take your aunt's dinner to take her place. Do you know how miserable was her life because of her?!"

Xia Mi was shocked but deeply wanted to respond. Amd she did it. "She was thief like her daughter. Tang Jin was hers but Meixi snatched him away from her. She needed to be kicked out!!!"

"Enough!! You and your mother are the same. You can't control people feeling, you can't force someone to love you?! Tang Jin never loved Xia Yui and never will. Same for Chen Jun!"

After that Xia Yu didn't feel like arguing anyone. He was old and being angry was bad for his unstable health. He slowly stood up and with his cane he walked towards the door. He glance one last time at Xia Mi before closing the door.

In the hall, Xia Yu was in his thought. Plenty of memories popped out of his mind like bubbles. The first thing he remembered was the first time that Meixi smiled. It was when Xia Yui won the first place in competition. He had seen love in her eyes and the same love could be found in her daughter eyes.

Anna had her mother face execpt for the form of her eyes that come from Tang Jin. She had the same brown and soft hair and her greenish eyes that was particularly beautiful.

Making her portrait, Xia Yu felt bad. When he looked at Anna , he saw his daughter and his wife. The three woman looked the same execpt for the hair. His wife had blond hair but Meixi and Anna had light brown hair.

He felt like he needed to make up for Anna but he also felt like betraying his own family. (Even though Anna is his own granddaughter) When he arrived at his room, he took his coat and closed the door. He went downstairs and called a taxi.

"To the best hospital please."