Living King Kong

There are still some darkness in the sky, and you can't see the sun.

    After a lapse of one month, Shen Cong once again stepped on the ground with his feet. However, the earth that once lived with vitality has been replaced by yellow sand, gravel and dust. There is no trace of green in the eyes.

    It seems to have come to the endless desert.

    homesWuwei County…The provincial capital Hefei is probably no longer…"

    Shen Cong frowned, looking around, trying to find a trace of life. This huge disaster storm has wiped out all traces of life. The only thing that can be witnessed is that the earth is not the world, or the steel columns that belong to the warehouse load-bearing column not far away.

    One of them was bent to ninety degrees.

    Shen Cong pressed his pessimistic emotions and walked step by step to the position belonging to the warehouse. He looked for a moment and then opened the yellow sand and stones on the ground with his hands. It was too difficult to find. Then ran back to the King Kong, took out a shovel and returned to the previous position to continue to shovel the yellow sand.

    At this time, Shen Cong's body is stronger than a cow. He picks up the shovel and shovel the sand.

    After a while, a large pit was dug up.

    "The activity really strengthens my body. I used to dig such a big hole and I will definitely get a big gasp. I don't feel tired at the moment."

    Activity, this is the magical ability that Shen Cong himself named. This ability is the reason why he can make inexplicable contact with King Kong.

    Shen Cong, who woke up from a coma a month ago, found that he had a perceptual connection with the King Kong. He was exploring this perception for a month. After many explorations, experiments and inferences, I probably understand the generation and function of this ability.

    The meteor shower that died in the world, one of which was in the warehouse, but with the power of the meteor, the shock wave generated was enough to destroy everything around, but not, even if the warehouse was smashed, even a big pit did not stay. under. The meteor Shen Cong did not know what it was.

    But now it seems that there is absolutely mysterious energy.

    Because it gave the King Kong metal, a kind of "live" change, Shen Cong did not know if the King Kong really had life, but it did have a spirituality, slowly repairing its own damage – Shen Cong gave this living spirituality the name Active.

    At first, the King Kong was that most of the armor was melted and the internal lines burned a lot.

    However, when Shen Congjing came to communicate with the King Kong, he was able to guide this activity, absorb the free activity at a slow speed, repair itself, and make some morphological changes according to Shen Cong's will.

    Under the boring of Shen Cong, the ability to give activity is named – extension.

    At the same time, there are two other abilities in activity, one is the ability to assimilate – the alloy. The original King Kong was only the metal frame given the activity by the meteor, but under the guidance of Shen Cong, it has been able to engulf the various components on the frame, giving these elements activity and forming a whole.

    Conversely, if a component is stripped from a diamond, the component will lose its activity after a short period of time.

    Another ability is the feedback of the activity to the leader Shen Cong – exchange.

    When Shen Cong guided the activity of the King Kong, he strengthened his willpower little by little in the various parts of the King Kong. In this way, Shen Cong could rely on his own brain waves to complete the driving of the King Kong. Then the activity of King Kong will be fed back to Shen Cong and strengthen his body.

    Active metal, three properties extended, alloyed, exchanged.

    This is the result of Shen Cong's one-month study.

    Of course, there may be abilities that have not been developed, and there are many unknown reasons that are unknown. For example, Shen Cong does not know what relationship he has with the King Kong. It is reasonable to say that the King Kong has been given activity, either to evolve into Transformers itself or to become a large-sized slug.

    Unexpectedly, I even reached an inexplicable connection with Shen Cong, as if it were integrated. The King Kong is part of Shen Cong's limbs.

    "But this is also good. With a more powerful King Kong, in this last age, I have a higher probability of survival."

    The big pit has bottomed out and there is a steel plate underneath.

    This is the secret door of the original warehouse basement. Shen Cong is a persecuted delusional patient. He always feels that it is not safe enough to be tightly protected. Therefore, most important items are placed in the basement and steel plates are used as entry barriers. Now this steel plate is very good for him to protect the basement.


    The basement's shelves, maintenance desks, and the entire 150-flat space, messy, apparently affected by the meteor falling into the shock wave, fortunately, most things can still be used.

    In the next three days, Shen Cong was rushing back and forth between the King Kong and the basement, not rushing to leave.

    The King Kong was badly damaged. Although it took a month to absorb the free active repair, after all, the repair was slow, and it was not that the substance could be changed as much as desired. Some components are damaged, only replaced with new ones, and then rely on the ability of the alloy to complete the assimilation.

    During these three days, Shen Cong was also busy, repairing the radio station on the King Kong, trying to contact the outside world.

    However, the response of each frequency band is always meaningless noise.

    Shen Cong occasionally climbed the roof of the King Kong, and looked far and wide. The yellow sand stretched across the sky and could not see the end. The whole world is silent, and there is only one person in the world, and even the dog barking and insects can't hear it.

    Another week has passed.

    Shen Cong has completely repaired the King Kong, and all the equipment has been alloyed as part of the King Kong.

    The King Kong is still burning fuel, but some of the power supplies are powered by batteries. Shen Cong also put two solar panels in the car to support the operation of the King Kong in the case of insufficient fuel.

    Once the fuel is exhausted, the power of the King Kong is seriously insufficient. The voltage of the battery is lower. It can barely maintain the low-speed rotation of a motor, allowing the King Kong to advance at a slightly faster speed than running. Each time you advance two hours, you will charge it once with a solar panel.

    No way, the fuel is too much space to carry more.

    "The King Kong has been fixed and it is time to leave."

    Mechanical watch prompts On June 28, Shen Cong put down the steel plate in the basement and refilled the yellow sand. He only placed a long wave transmitter in the basement. The frequency of this transmitter is only known to Shen Cong. When he wants to come back, he can come back as long as he finds this frequency.

    Now the yellow sand gravel can only be positioned in this way.

    Here is the root of Shen Cong. He does not want to lose his roots.

    Pick up the welding.

    On the only remaining steel column, Shen Cong melted a line with electric welding: "FM FM90.8, survivor Shen Cong, I left."

    Do it all.

    Finally, I took a look at these steel columns and Shen Cong jumped on the King Kong.

    Turn off the armor, raise the radar, and point the fuel door.

    The engine made a huge roar, and the exhaust pipe protruding from the top of the car head emitted a light smoke. This steel chariot, which was modified by Shen Cong to transform the streamlined steel spur armor, raised the chassis and widened the special tires, rolled a deep tire imprint on the yellow sand and gravel, and rushed toward the north.

    That direction is the direction of Wuwei County.


    A gust of wind blew, the yellow sand rose in the sky, and when the wind stopped, there were traces of the wheel.

    If it weren't for those pillars that still stood tall, it was like a desert that existed in ancient times.