encountered diggers

Half an hour's journey, in Shen Cong's view, everything is dead.

    On one occasion, he saw the remains of a building that looked like a factory building, leaving only the broken steel structure, twisted together.

    Shen Cong went on to check it and found no signs of life.

    There is no moving thing on the scan map of the battlefield detection radar, and the thermal imaging camera cannot sense the heat.

    I thought that most people could not survive this disaster, but at this moment, Shen Cong realized that he still could not adapt, and the world only had his own desolateness.

    And no food was found.

    The materials stored on the King Kong can only last for three years and the diesel can only sustain a thousand kilometers. Originally, Shen Cong thought that after the end of the day, the gas station did not need money. Who knows that a storm has destroyed everything and there is no gas station at all.

    Fortunately, the King Kong has come "live", he can slowly lead it to evolution, using solar energy or other energy as a driving force.

    The activity can be strong, and Shen Cong's experience is very profound. A month ago, King Kong only had a metal frame active, and now the whole body is active, and feedback back to his body, more powerfully improve his physique.

    There is a punch that kills a cow.

    "If there is no mistake in the direction, the first one kilometer will go to Wuwei County."Estimated the speed and time, Shen Cong came to a conclusion.

    But now there is no GPS navigation, the landmark building is gone, the exact location, Shen Cong can not know.


    The body of the King Kong suddenly swayed and awakened Shen Cong in contemplation.

    Immediately communicate with the King Kong, and there is something in the ground that hits the chassis.

    "Living thing?"

    Shen Cong was not excited. On the contrary, he was wary of his heart. He had a persecution paranoia, not to mention the impact from the chassis. Slamming on the brakes, the King Kong was firmly parked in the yellow sand.

    The impact of the living things is not large, although the impact force is fierce, but it can not damage the King Kong that has been reinforced by Shen Cong.

    However, being attacked and not fighting back is not the style of Shen Cong.

    And he also has to see what it is and can survive.


    It was another impact, and the King Kong was shaken.

    I don't know what it is. Shen Cong did not rush to get off the bus. Instead, he went to the carriage and picked up a periscope from the tool room. Then he opened a large steel plate at the bottom of the carriage and lifted the periscope. Insecure delusion patients who are insecure, doing things is so meticulous, all aspects are thought of.

    The periscope turned around in the bottom of the car, and Shen Cong discovered the living creature that hit the car.

    This is a cockroach-like mutant big bug that is as big as the King Kong tire. The King Kong tires were replaced by large mechanical equipment, one meter five in diameter, which means that the mutant bug is one meter long. The head grows with huge claws like a sickle.

    And the cheeks are also shimmering with dark silver luster, just like steel products.

    This big bug makes Shen Cong understand.

    How could there be such a huge bug?

    However, when I think about it, the King Kong can live. A bug has changed. It should be very common in the last days.

    Can not change the eyes, Shen Cong can only take a deep breath and accept it.

    It seemed to be a crashing chassis, which made the big bug angry. It twisted into the yellow sand and then slammed it out again, hitting the King Kong chassis again.

    There is a kind of attachment that is not afraid of death.

    This made Shen Cong a little headache. He didn't know how to deal with the worm that only drilled the ground, and saw the sharp claws of the worm. Shen Cong also decisively gave up his intention to fight the worm.

    Since you can't get off the bus, then you have only got it.

    When Shen Cong's brain turned, he had an idea. He took out a bacon from the material room. The calories and volume of the bacon were not high. Shen Cong only stored a small amount to improve the taste. Put the bacon on the iron hook and the end of the hook is fixed with an iron chain.

    The twisted chain just happened to the position of the hole in the periscope, and he was prepared to use the fishing method to kill the big bug.

    Then he found out the pressure goods, a high-pressure air gun that can spray steel balls, and then contained a whistle. Shen Cong was ready to catch insects. However, when the hook passed through the hole, he was a little reluctant, and cut off half of the bacon to get it back. Put the hook on the hole, aim the air gun at the hole and blow the whistle.

    The worm that was stupidly hitting the chassis, and when he heard the whistle, he saw the bacon and immediately came to the spirit.

    I bite it in one bite and bite it directly on the hook. I can't get rid of it and make a tragic snoring.

    The big worm, the IQ is like this.

    Originally intended to be solved with an air gun, Shen Cong saw that the insect's IQ was so low, and the bite force was not strong. He simply touched an iron fork and pointed it at the hole.


    Shen Cong, who is as strong as a cow, can make a full force to fork a 10mm thick steel plate, not to mention bugs.

    The iron fork was poured from the mouth of the insect on the spot, and the pair of insects were directly worn. The insects struggled for a moment and died. Shen Cong can feel sensitively that this insect is also active, and now this activity is slowly dimming.

    Open the blind door in the chassis and pull the bug into the compartment.

    Shen Cong is ready to study this thing.


    In six years, relying on his own efforts to create the King Kong, Shen Cong needs a lot of knowledge to learn, which allows him to develop a character that has his own personality.

    If it is an average person, after killing this big bug, it may be thrown when we are surprised.

    However, in the spirit of research, Shen Cong carefully photographed, recorded information, dissected and analyzed data, and then classified it in a laptop computer as a file storage. He has a laptop that is dedicated to recording all kinds of information in the last days.

    This may be another place where he is different from others. Others are struggling to survive. He is exploring the end of the world as a new world.

    "Muscle elasticity is very strong, it is indeed the result of activity enhancement…But how does this bug relate to activity? Is it like me, because of the fall of the meteor? "

    Recording the data of the insects, Shen Cong frowned and meditation.

    He named the bug as a digger.

    The attribute is classified as – a mutant cockroach insect.

    The combat power is divided into – low IQ, very weak, and fierce personality.

    "It seems that the body size has become larger, and the meat quality has also increased. I don't know if I can eat it."Shen Cong cut a piece of snow-white muscle from the leg of the digger. After testing the acid-base reaction, he did not detect the problem. He prepared to wash it and fry it to see if he could eat it.

    If you can eat, then there is a possibility of survival in the last days, at least not lacking.

    In the induction cooker, the insects were fried. Shen Cong began to study the two chewing limbs of the digger. These two cheeks probably have the length of the palm and are highly degraded into a sickle-like bone structure. However, Shen Cong always felt that these two cheating limbs are more like metal than bone.


    Thermodynamic activity

    "What is the connection?"

    Shen Cong frowned, not knowing.

    Everything in this last age reveals a fascinating change.

    The information is too small to be able to figure out. Shen Cong also gave up the futile research and began to taste the worm meat that has been fried to ten mature. Cut a small piece of the small thumb and chew it carefully. After a while, Shen Cong came to a conclusion.

    "It's not toxic, it's not toxic, at least it tastes…It's a bit like chicken, but it's not crispy, it's dry, it's like eating dry wood, and you should put more oil in the next time you fry. "

    After taking a small sip, Shen Cong will no longer eat it. Wait a moment and see if it is poisonous and poisonous.

    He has put in a few drugs and injections that can quickly detoxify, and he is ready to deal with the symptoms of poisoning.


    Start the King Kong and hurry again.