swaying submarine

The wind is whistling, and the diamond is shaking.

    This sudden storm was stronger than the wind of the last days of the storm, and the crushed gravel hit the body, and it kept smashing.

    The raindrops have not yet fallen, and the power of the storm has already made the King Kong have a faltering momentum.

    Shen Cong's mind wandered on the King Kong, and he was able to perceive that the outer armor, once hit by the gravel, had a small amount of activity being consumed. Once the active resistance is not used, the crushed stone with a speed of up to several tens of kilometers per hour can easily damage the diamond armor of the 16mm steel plate.

    Fortunately, the storm also brought a lot of free activity. Shen Cong's willpower wandered inside the King Kong, and he could feel the activity of this strong, swallowed by the King Kong whale, supplementing the consumption of armor.

    Guide the absorption.

    Make up for consumption.

    Shen Cong's willpower is fast and exercised between the coming and going. He can feel that his spirit is solidified little by little in the process of guiding activity.

    Activity does not have any chemical reaction with the spirit, but the activity can enhance the body and strengthen the body, thus supporting a stronger spirit and stabilizing the loss of willpower.

    Of course, Shen Cong can't always maintain his willpower to guide the King Kong.

    After three hours, he had to withdraw from the King Kong and relax for a while.

    Without the guidance of Shen Cong's willpower, the King Kong is still slowly absorbing and replenishing the process, but the speed has to be slowed many times.

    However, with the active reserve of King Kong, the loss of ten hours can still be sustained.

    Close your eyes and keep your eyes for a moment.

    I don't know when it started, the sound of the sound has disappeared, but the sky outside is still dark and not a trace of light. Shen Cong opened his eyes and took out the Geiger counter to measure the radiation, which reached the equivalent of the last day storm.

    "It seems that there is a connection between activity and radiation? When the radiation is strong, the activity is also strong…"

    It is another unreasonable speculation.

    Seeing that the wind has stopped, Shen Cong left the cab and prepared to go to the car to get some wolf meat to eat. In order to save electricity, there is only one small car refrigerator in the car, which can't store much, so he eats according to the shelf life and eats shortly. The wolf meat and the big rat meat were not treated with salt, and the storage time was limited. During this time, Shen Cong was eating it.

    Moreover, it can also rapidly expand the activity in the body, and the beauty of the activity is likely to become the guarantee for survival in this last life, second only to the King Kong.

    Just when the induction cooker was powered on, the dark sky outside finally reached the critical point of rain.

    The rain is like a flood, and it falls down. There is no raindrop at all. It is a water curtain that is connected to the ground. It is like a wave of sound.

    Shen Cong opened the side window and took a photo with a flashlight.

    In the dark world, only the nearby rain screen reflects the flashlight.

    This made Shen Cong's heart speechless. He was fortunate enough to search for water resources a few hours ago. He felt that this piece of yellow sand was seriously lacking in water. Who knows that a rain has subverted previous perceptions.

    This is a lack of water, this is a flood.

    "However, I can't guarantee that this water is drinkable, the radiation content is too high, and it is probably contaminated."Looking at the number of Geiger counters that are about to burst, Shen Cong shook his head.

    After frying seven mature wolf meat steaks, I found out a bottle of fruit orange that was about to expire, and opened half a bottle of hot sauce. I leaned on the wall of the box and ate it silently.

    The wolf meat is a bit like the taste of dog meat. It is a bit sloppy. Shen Cong, who cooks himself for six or seven years, is still very good at cooking. This meal is naturally delicious.

    "If you keep a dog, it will be fine."Eating the wolf meat, contact with the wolf may be a variant of the dog, Shen Cong immediately thought of the movie "I am a legend."

    He only looked at it again last night.

    Will Smith and his Demu, one person and one dog, survive in the last days, face loneliness, face variation. I feel like my own situation, but Shen Cong has no dogs, only the King Kong.


    I have eaten the wolf meat chops, and there is still a heavy rain outside. The water has already passed through the small half of the car tires, and there is no intention to stop.

    There is no wind and no gravel, and Shen Cong does not have to maintain the active absorption of King Kong.

    He opened the notebook and did not choose to play the game. Instead, he inserted a USB flash drive, opened the data folder inside, and selected a document titled "Radio-related information" to start watching.

    In the face of the end, how to prepare, this is not just Shen Cong's thinking, and even some governments have thought about it. For example, Norway built a doomsday granary and stored a large number of seeds. Shen Cong did not have the ability to store seeds, but he also accumulated a lot of knowledge in addition to hoarding the necessary living materials.

    The knowledge of all walks of life has been stored in more than 300 U disk and more than 50 hard drives. These knowledge are downloaded directly from the electronic library.

    There are also a lot of movies, novels, games, songs, and even action romances.

    Only his unskilled person can do this boring doomsday in the peace and prosperity. In fact, Shen Cong has more boring things. He prepares dozens of different styles of inflatable dolls. There is one, it has been used a few times…

    The documentation is very detailed, and the work on radio is basically wiped out by this document.

    Shen Cong intends to study the radio well.

    One is that he wants to transform the 15A radar into a living thing that can scan the ground; the other is to upgrade the radio station on the vehicle, increase the search power, and see if you can search for the signal from the survivor.

    Comparing with the survivors in person or by radio, Shen Cong prefers to use radio to contact.

    The risk is relatively small.



    The time of the mechanical watch is shown as 23:46 on July 9, 2022, and the night is already deep.

    After licking the dry eyes, Shen Cong got up and opened every skylight of the King Kong, and the photo was taken through the glass with a flashlight.

    The rain did not see any small.

    The water has already passed the height of most of the tires, nearly one meter deep, and the chassis of the King Kong has been soaked in the water. Fortunately, the body is airtight, the vents are on the side and the top, and there is no water leakage for the time being.

    "I don't know how long this rain will take."

    After checking the situation, Shen Cong wiped his face with a wet towel and lay down on the bed in the cubicle and went to sleep.

    This night.

    Shen Cong had a dream, turned into a baby, lying on the shaker, and the mother sat next to it and gently swayed. A thing called happiness, filled in my heart, this feeling has not been felt for seven or eight years.


    The alarm clock ringing, will wake up from the dream, Shen suddenly shocked, and now in the end of the world.

    I licked the bright scalp: "The head is a little dizzy, turning around…"

    No!Shen Cong suddenly shocked and found that he was not dizzy, but the King Kong was shaking. "What is the situation!"

    He got up and got out of bed, his feet on the floor and ready to wear shoes, but he stepped on the water.

    The diamond has leaked!

    There is already 10 centimeters of water!

    "How can it leak?"

    Shen Cong refused to find his own shoes where to go, directly stepping on the water station to get up, leave the compartment, and scan the carriage. This glance found that the water came in from the side vents.

    He hurriedly opened the side window, and saw that when the rain had already passed through the window position, according to this height, the King Kong was almost left with a roof outside.


    The top skylight was opened, and Shen Cong couldn't care about the heavy rain that was still under the madness. He had a flashlight in his mouth and climbed directly onto the roof.

    Heavy rain smashed his face and called him, and instantly poured him into a water man, through the heart. What's even cooler is that the flashlight shines and the eyes are everywhere. As if the whole world was flooded with rain, it became a dark black piece. This is already six or seven o'clock in the morning, but it is still dark and dark, regardless of each other.

    The turbulent rain, swirling, swayed the King Kong.

    The 30-ton heavy truck, although not floating, is like a toy, as if it can be washed away at any time.

    How did this happen?

    Shen Cong did not know how to be good for a time. The King Kong was not a submarine and could not stop leaking.

    At this time.


    Invisible in the distance, suddenly there was an unknown dull snoring, sullen and infiltrating